


package structuralfeatures

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class Constructor extends TermLevel
  2. class InductiveDefinitions extends StructuralFeature with TypedParametricTheoryLike

    theories as a set of types of expressions

  3. class InductiveMatch extends StructuralFeature with TypedParametricTheoryLike

    theories as a set of types of expressions

  4. class InductiveProofDefinitions extends StructuralFeature with TypedParametricTheoryLike

    theories as a set of types of expressions

  5. class InductiveTypes extends StructuralFeature with ParametricTheoryLike

    theories as a set of types of expressions

  6. sealed abstract class InternalDeclaration extends AnyRef

    helper class for the various declarations in an inductive type

  7. class OutgoingTermLevel extends TermLevel
  8. class RecordDefinitions extends StructuralFeature with TypedParametricTheoryLike

    theories as a set of types of expressions

  9. class Records extends StructuralFeature with ParametricTheoryLike

    theories as a set of types of expressions

  10. class Reflections extends StructuralFeature with TypedParametricTheoryLike

    theories as a set of types of expressions

  11. case class StatementLevel(path: GlobalName, args: List[(Option[LocalName], Term)], df: Option[Term] = None, ctx: Option[Context] = None, notC: Option[NotationContainer] = None) extends InternalDeclaration with Product with Serializable

    Rules and Judgment constructors

  12. abstract case class TermLevel(path: GlobalName, args: List[(Option[LocalName], Term)], ret: Term, df: Option[Term] = None, notC: Option[NotationContainer] = None, ctx: Option[Context] = None) extends InternalDeclaration with Product with Serializable

    term constructor declaration

  13. case class TypeLevel(path: GlobalName, args: List[(Option[LocalName], Term)], df: Option[Term], ctx: Option[Context] = None, notC: Option[NotationContainer] = None) extends InternalDeclaration with Product with Serializable

    type declaration

  14. class EquivalenceRelation extends StructuralFeature with ParametricTheoryLike
    @MMT_TODO( message = ... )

    this is experimental and may still be removed

  15. class Quotients extends StructuralFeature with ParametricTheoryLike
    @MMT_TODO( message = ... )

    this is experimental and may still be removed

  16. class Subtypes extends StructuralFeature with ParametricTheoryLike
    @MMT_TODO( message = ... )

    this is experimental and may still be removed
