


package compile

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class ADT(name: String, constructors: List[CONS] = Nil) extends DECL with Product with Serializable

    abstract data types: name -> id%%(args) | ...

    abstract data types: name -> id%%(args) | ... | id(args) name and id's ADT and CONS respectively but using implicit conversions in Program, they can also be strings anonymous record types are not permitted

  2. case class ADTRec(adts: List[ADT]) extends DECL with Product with Serializable

    a group of mutually recursive abstract data types

  3. case class ALIST(elems: List[EXP]) extends EXP with Product with Serializable

    a list

  4. case class AND(left: EXP, right: EXP) extends EXP with Product with Serializable


  5. case class APPLY(fun: String, args: EXP*) extends EXP with Product with Serializable

    function application

  6. case class ARECORD(tp: String, fields: List[FIELD]) extends EXP with Product with Serializable

    record value

  7. case class ARG(name: String, tp: EXP) extends Product with Serializable

    auxiliary class for arguments of a FUNCTION

  8. case class AT(l: EXP, index: EXP) extends EXP with Product with Serializable

    element of a list at a given index

  9. case class Binder(name: String, argument: Option[CatRef], bound: CatRef, scope: CatRef) extends Constructor with Product with Serializable

    a binder with some argument types and a typed bound variable we assume that the LF types of all binders are of the form {x:a} (b x -> s) -> c or (b -> s) -> c where a, b, s, c are atomic

  10. case class BuiltinType(e: EXP) extends Type with Product with Serializable
  11. case class CASE(pattern: EXP, body: EXP) extends Product with Serializable

    auxiliary class for cases in a MATCH

  12. case class COMMENT(text: String) extends DECL with Product with Serializable


  13. case class CONCAT(left: EXP, right: EXP) extends EXP with Product with Serializable

    concatenation of lists

  14. case class CONS(name: String, args: List[EXP] = Nil) extends Product with Serializable

    auxiliary class for constructors of an ADT

  15. case class CONSHEAD(name: String) extends Product with Serializable

    auxiliary class for constructors of an ADT as f of ("x" :: "type", ...)

  16. case class CatRef(target: String) extends Product with Serializable

    a reference to a type (family); possible type arguments are erased

  17. case class Category(name: String, constructors: List[Constructor]) extends Product with Serializable

    a type (family) with constructors; possible type arguments are erased

  18. class Compiler extends Program

    an example backend that transforms a LogicSyntax L into the SML code that represents and validates L-theories

  19. case class Connective(name: String, arguments: List[CatRef]) extends Constructor with Product with Serializable

    also works as a constructor for formulas, i.e.

    also works as a constructor for formulas, i.e. true : bool, false : bool, has no args in that case

  20. case class ConstantSymbol(pattern: String, name: String, arguments: List[CatRef]) extends Constructor with Product with Serializable

    a (Connective-like) constructor declared in a pattern body with some argument types

  21. abstract class Constructor extends AnyRef

    constructor for a Category

  22. case class Context(vars: List[(String, Type)]) extends Product with Serializable
  23. sealed abstract class DECL extends AnyRef

    declarations of a simple functional language

  24. case class DECLHEAD(name: String) extends Product with Serializable

    auxiliary class for constructing DECL's as name keyword arguments

    auxiliary class for constructing DECL's as name keyword arguments


    the name of the declaration works with EXPConversions.stringToDECLHEAD

  25. case class Declaration(pattern: String, arguments: List[CatRef]) extends Product with Serializable

    a pragmatic declaration with some argument types

  26. case class EQUAL(left: EXP, right: EXP) extends EXP with Product with Serializable


  27. case class ERROR(name: String, msg: EXP) extends EXP with Product with Serializable

    throwing of an exception

  28. case class EXCEPTION(name: String) extends DECL with Product with Serializable

    exception declaration; all exception take a single string argument

  29. sealed abstract class EXP extends AnyRef

    expressions of a simple functional language

  30. case class FIELD(name: String, value: EXP) extends Product with Serializable

    auxiliary class for records types and values

  31. case class FUNCTION(name: String)(args: ARG*)(ret: EXP)(body: EXP) extends DECL with Product with Serializable

    function definition

  32. case class FUNCTIONRec(funs: List[FUNCTION]) extends DECL with Product with Serializable

    a group of mutually recursive functions

  33. case class FUNCTYPE(args: List[ARG], ret: EXP) extends Product with Serializable

    auxiliary class for function types

  34. case class FUNCVALUE(args: List[ARG], ret: EXP, body: EXP) extends Product with Serializable

    auxiliary class for anonymous functions

  35. abstract class FuncLang[A] extends AnyRef

    a simple functional language represented as transformation functions from declarations and expressions to strings

  36. case class FunctionalType(args: List[EXP], ret: EXP) extends Type with Product with Serializable
  37. case class ID(name: String) extends EXP with Product with Serializable

    identifiers the empty identifier ID("") is reserved: it refers to the current declaration, which is useful in recursive ADT and FUNCTION definitions

  38. case class IF(cond: EXP, thn: EXP, els: EXP) extends EXP with Product with Serializable

    if then else

  39. case class INT(value: Int) extends EXP with Product with Serializable

    integer literals

  40. case class LENGTH(l: EXP) extends EXP with Product with Serializable

    length of a list

  41. case class LIST(tp: EXP) extends EXP with Product with Serializable

    type of lists

  42. case class LogicSyntax(cats: List[Category], form: CatRef, decls: List[Declaration]) extends Product with Serializable

    a logic syntax consists of some categories (one of which is the category of formulas) and declarations

  43. class LogicWriter extends AnyRef
  44. case class MAP(l: EXP, fun: ID) extends EXP with Product with Serializable

    map over a list

  45. case class MATCH(arg: EXP, cases: List[CASE]) extends EXP with Product with Serializable

    pattern matching

  46. case class OPTION(tp: EXP) extends EXP with Product with Serializable

    type of options

  47. case class OR(left: EXP, right: EXP) extends EXP with Product with Serializable


  48. case class PLUS(left: EXP, right: EXP) extends EXP with Product with Serializable


  49. case class PROD(tps: List[EXP]) extends EXP with Product with Serializable

    product type

  50. case class PROJ(exp: EXP, proj: Int) extends EXP with Product with Serializable

    projection out of a product

  51. abstract class Program extends AnyRef

    convenience class for writing a program inside Scala concrete syntax

  52. case class RECORD(name: String, fields: List[FIELD] = Nil) extends DECL with Product with Serializable

    record type declaration: RECORD(n) c1 :: A1 ...

    record type declaration: RECORD(n) c1 :: A1 ... ^ cN :: AN anonymous record types are not permitted

  53. case class SELECT(record: EXP, field: String) extends EXP with Product with Serializable

    selection from a record

  54. case class SOME(elem: EXP) extends EXP with Product with Serializable

    a defined option

  55. case class STRING(value: String) extends EXP with Product with Serializable

    string literals

  56. case class STRINGCONCAT(left: EXP, right: EXP) extends EXP with Product with Serializable

    concatenation of strings

  57. case class SyntaxError(msg: String) extends Throwable with Product with Serializable
  58. case class TIMES(left: EXP, right: EXP) extends EXP with Product with Serializable


  59. case class TUPLE(tps: List[EXP]) extends EXP with Product with Serializable


  60. case class TYPEDEF(name: String, df: EXP) extends DECL with Product with Serializable

    type definition

  61. class Theory2LogicSyntax extends AnyRef
  62. sealed abstract class Type extends AnyRef
  63. case class UNOPTION(sm: EXP) extends EXP with Product with Serializable

    unsafe access of the optional element (.get)

  64. case class Unsupported(msg: String) extends Throwable with Product with Serializable

Value Members

  1. object BOOLS extends EXP with Product with Serializable

    type of booleans

  2. object Compiler
  3. object DECL

    An incomplete type checker for expressions

  4. object EXP

    An incomplete type checker for expressions

  5. object EXPConversions

    useful implicit conversions

  6. object ErrorType extends Type with Product with Serializable
  7. object Haskell extends FuncLang[String]

    Haskell as an implementation of a FuncLang

  8. object INTS extends EXP with Product with Serializable

    type of integers

  9. object KindOfTypes extends Type with Product with Serializable
  10. object NONE extends EXP with Product with Serializable

    the empty option

  11. object PL
  12. object SFOL
  13. object SML extends FuncLang[String]

    SML as an implementation of a FuncLang

  14. object STRINGS extends EXP with Product with Serializable

    type of strings

  15. object TestProgram extends Program

    An example program

  16. object VariableSymbol extends Constructor with Product with Serializable

    a bound variable
