
package imps

Linear Supertypes
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. imps
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class ArbitraryScript(opener: String, scrpt: Script, src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  2. case class ArgAlgebraicOrderSimplifier(specs: List[ArgAlgebraicOrderSimplifierSpec], src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  3. case class ArgAlgebraicOrderSimplifierSpec(names: List[Name], src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  4. case class ArgAlgebraicProcessor(nm: Name, src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  5. case class ArgAlgebraicSimplifier(specs: List[ArgAlgebraicSimplifierSpec], src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  6. case class ArgAlgebraicSimplifierSpec(names: List[Name], src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  7. case class ArgAlgebraicTermComparator(specs: List[Name], src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  8. case class ArgApplicabilityRecognizer(nm: Name, src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  9. case class ArgAssumptions(defs: List[DefString], frms: List[IMPSMathExp], src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  10. case class ArgAxioms(cps: List[AxiomSpec], src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  11. case class ArgBase(sf: ArgSpecForms, src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  12. case class ArgBaseCaseHook(nm: Name, src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  13. case class ArgBaseTheory(nm: Name, src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  14. case class ArgBaseTypes(nms: List[IMPSSort], src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  15. case class ArgBinding(n: Int, src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  16. case class ArgCoefficient(sf: ArgSpecForms, src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  17. case class ArgComponentSections(nms: List[Name], src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  18. case class ArgComponentTheories(cps: List[Name], src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  19. case class ArgConstAssoc(nm: Name, consts: List[ODefString], src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  20. case class ArgConstPairSpec(name: Name, const: ODefString, src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  21. case class ArgConstPairs(defs: List[ArgConstPairSpec], src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  22. case class ArgConstantSpec(nm: Name, enc: IMPSSort, src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  23. case class ArgConstants(specs: List[ArgConstantSpec], src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  24. case class ArgCoreTranslation(tr: Name, src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  25. case class ArgDefStringList(dfs: List[DefString], src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  26. case class ArgDefinitionName(dn: Name, src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  27. case class ArgDiscreteSorts(srts: List[IMPSSort], src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  28. case class ArgDistinctConstants(ds: List[List[Name]], src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  29. case class ArgDontUnfold(nms: List[Name], src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  30. case class ArgEmbeddedLang(nm: Name, src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  31. case class ArgEmbeddedLangs(nms: List[Name], src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  32. case class ArgEnsembleConsts(consts: List[ArgConstAssoc], src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  33. case class ArgEnsembleSorts(sorts: List[ArgSortAssoc], src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  34. case class ArgExponent(sf: ArgSpecForms, src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  35. case class ArgExtensible(specs: List[ArgTypeSortAList], src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  36. case class ArgFileSpec(nm1: Name, nm2: Name, src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  37. case class ArgFiles(nms: List[ArgFileSpec], src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  38. case class ArgFixedTheories(ts: List[Name], src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  39. case class ArgHomeTheory(nm: Name, src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  40. case class ArgInductionPrinciple(p: Either[Name, DefString], src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  41. case class ArgInductionStepHook(nm: Name, src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  42. case class ArgLanguage(lang: Name, src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  43. case class ArgLeftMethod(mn: ParseMethod.ParseMethod, src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  44. case class ArgMacete(mn: Name, src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  45. case class ArgMethod(mn: Name, src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  46. case class ArgMultiples(ns: List[Number], src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  47. case class ArgNameList(nms: List[Name], src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  48. case class ArgNewTranslationName(nm: Name, src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  49. case class ArgNullMethod(mn: ParseMethod.ParseMethod, src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  50. case class ArgNumbers(ns: List[Number], src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  51. case class ArgOperationAlist(optype: OperationType.OperationType, op: Name, src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  52. case class ArgOperations(defs: List[ArgOperationAlist], src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  53. case class ArgOperationsAlist(optype: Name, op: Name, src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  54. case class ArgOverloadingPair(tname: Name, sname: Name, src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  55. case class ArgPairs(ps: List[ArgRenamerPair], src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  56. case class ArgPermutations(nns: List[List[Number]], src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  57. case class ArgProcOperations(alists: List[ArgOperationsAlist], src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  58. case class ArgProof(prf: Script, src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  59. case class ArgRenamer(rn: Name, src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  60. case class ArgRenamerPair(old: Name, nu: Name, src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  61. case class ArgReplicaRenamer(nm: Name, src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  62. case class ArgRetrievalProtocol(nm: Name, src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  63. case class ArgScalars(ntype: NumericalType.NumericalType, src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  64. case class ArgSet(cont: Script, src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  65. case class ArgSort(srt: IMPSSort, src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  66. case class ArgSortAssoc(nm: Name, sorts: List[ODefString], src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  67. case class ArgSortPairSpec(name: Name, srt: Either[Either[Name, DefString], Either[DefString, DefString]], mth: Option[IMPSMathExp], src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  68. case class ArgSortPairs(defs: List[ArgSortPairSpec], src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  69. case class ArgSortSpec(sub: IMPSSort, enc: IMPSSort, src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  70. case class ArgSorts(specs: List[ArgSortSpec], src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  71. case class ArgSource(thy: Name, src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  72. case class ArgSourceTheories(nms: List[Name], src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  73. case class ArgSourceTheory(nm: Name, src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  74. case class ArgSpecForms(specform: Either[Name, QDFSpecForm], src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  75. case class ArgSpecialRenamings(ns: List[ArgRenamerPair], src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  76. case class ArgTable(tn: Name, src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  77. case class ArgTarget(thy: Name, src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  78. case class ArgTargetMultiple(n: Number, src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  79. case class ArgTargetTheories(ns: List[Name], src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  80. case class ArgTheory(thy: Name, src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  81. case class ArgTheoryInterpretationCheck(cm: Name, src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  82. case class ArgToken(t: Script, src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  83. case class ArgTranslation(t: Name, src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  84. case class ArgTypeSortAList(tp: NumericalType.NumericalType, srt: IMPSSort, src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  85. case class ArgUsages(usgs: List[Usage.Usage], src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  86. case class ArgWitness(w: DefString, src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  87. case class AxiomSpec(name: Option[String], defstr: DefString, frm: Option[IMPSMathExp], usgs: Option[List[Usage.Usage]], src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  88. type CommentInfo = Option[LineComment]
  89. abstract class Comp[T <: DefForm] extends Logger
  90. case class DFAlgebraicProcessor(nm: Name, canc: Option[ModCancellative], lang: ArgLanguage, bs: ArgBase, ex: Option[ArgExponent], co: Option[ArgCoefficient], src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  91. case class DFAtomicSort(name: Name, dfs: DefString, frm: IMPSMathExp, sort: IMPSSort, thy: ArgTheory, usgs: Option[ArgUsages], wtn: Option[ArgWitness], src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  92. class DFAtomicSortC extends Comp[DFAtomicSort]
  93. case class DFComment(c: Script, src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  94. case class DFCompoundMacete(nm: Name, spec: MaceteSpec, src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  95. case class DFConstant(name: Name, dfs: DefString, frm: IMPSMathExp, sort: IMPSSort, thy: ArgTheory, srt: Option[ArgSort], usgs: Option[ArgUsages], src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  96. class DFConstantC extends Comp[DFConstant]
  97. case class DFImportedRewriteRules(nm: Name, thy: Option[ArgSourceTheory], thies: Option[ArgSourceTheories], src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  98. case class DFIncludeFiles(rl: Option[ModReload], ql: Option[ModQuickLoad], fs: Option[ArgFiles], src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  99. case class DFInductor(nm: Name, princ: ArgInductionPrinciple, thy: ArgTheory, trans: Option[ArgTranslation], bh: Option[ArgBaseCaseHook], ih: Option[ArgInductionStepHook], du: Option[ArgDontUnfold], src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  100. case class DFLanguage(name: Name, els: Option[ArgEmbeddedLangs], el: Option[ArgEmbeddedLang], bt: Option[ArgBaseTypes], srts: Option[ArgSorts], ex: Option[ArgExtensible], cnsts: Option[ArgConstants], src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  101. case class DFLoadSection(sc: Name, src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  102. case class DFOrderProcessor(nm: Name, ap: Option[ArgAlgebraicProcessor], ops: Option[ArgProcOperations], ds: Option[ArgDiscreteSorts], src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  103. case class DFOverloading(n: Name, ps: List[ArgOverloadingPair], src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  104. case class DFParseSyntax(n: Name, t: Option[ArgToken], lm: Option[ArgLeftMethod], nm: Option[ArgNullMethod], tbl: Option[ArgTable], bnd: ArgBinding, src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  105. case class DFPrintSyntax(n: Name, tex: Option[ModTex], t: Option[ArgToken], m: Option[ArgMethod], tbl: Option[ArgTable], bnd: ArgBinding, src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  106. case class DFQuasiConstructor(name: Name, dfs: DefString, lan: ArgLanguage, fx: Option[ArgFixedTheories], src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  107. case class DFRecursiveConstant(ns: ArgNameList, defs: ArgDefStringList, frms: List[IMPSMathExp], srts: List[IMPSSort], thy: ArgTheory, usgs: Option[ArgUsages], defname: Option[ArgDefinitionName], src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  108. class DFRecursiveConstantC extends Comp[DFRecursiveConstant]
  109. case class DFRenamer(nm: Name, ps: Option[ArgPairs], src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  110. case class DFSchematicMacete(name: Name, dfs: DefString, nil: Option[ModNull], trans: Option[ModTransportable], t: ArgTheory, src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  111. case class DFScript(nm: Name, argc: Number, scrpt: Script, ret: Option[ArgRetrievalProtocol], rec: Option[ArgApplicabilityRecognizer], src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  112. case class DFSection(nm: Name, com: Option[ArgComponentSections], fls: Option[ArgFiles], src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  113. case class DFTheorem(n: Name, defn: ODefString, frm: Option[IMPSMathExp], modr: Option[ModReverse], modl: Option[ModLemma], t: ArgTheory, us: Option[ArgUsages], tr: Option[ArgTranslation], mac: Option[ArgMacete], ht: Option[ArgHomeTheory], prf: Option[ArgProof], src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  114. class DFTheoremC extends Comp[DFTheorem]
  115. case class DFTheory(name: Name, lang: Option[ArgLanguage], comp: Option[ArgComponentTheories], axioms: Option[ArgAxioms], dstnct: Option[ArgDistinctConstants], src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  116. class DFTheoryC extends Comp[DFTheory]
  117. case class DFTheoryEnsemble(nm: Name, bt: Option[ArgBaseTheory], fts: Option[ArgFixedTheories], rnm: Option[ArgReplicaRenamer], src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  118. case class DFTheoryEnsembleInstances(nm: Name, fuq: Option[ModForceUnderQuickLoad], tt: Option[ArgTargetTheories], tm: Option[ArgTargetMultiple], ss: Option[ArgEnsembleSorts], cs: Option[ArgEnsembleConsts], ms: Option[ArgMultiples], tic: Option[ArgTheoryInterpretationCheck], ps: Option[ArgPermutations], srs: Option[ArgSpecialRenamings], src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  119. case class DFTheoryEnsembleMultiple(nm: Name, n: Number, src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  120. case class DFTheoryEnsembleOverloadings(nm: Name, ns: ArgNumbers, src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  121. case class DFTheoryInstance(nm: Name, sr: ArgSource, tar: ArgTarget, trans: ArgTranslation, fts: Option[ArgFixedTheories], rnm: Option[ArgRenamer], ntn: Option[ArgNewTranslationName], src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  122. case class DFTheoryProcessors(nm: Name, as: Option[ArgAlgebraicSimplifier], aos: Option[ArgAlgebraicOrderSimplifier], atc: Option[ArgAlgebraicTermComparator], src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  123. case class DFTranslation(n: Name, f: Option[ModForce], fu: Option[ModForceUnderQuickLoad], de: Option[ModDontEnrich], sour: ArgSource, tar: ArgTarget, asms: Option[ArgAssumptions], fxd: Option[ArgFixedTheories], sps: Option[ArgSortPairs], cps: Option[ArgConstPairs], ct: Option[ArgCoreTranslation], tic: Option[ArgTheoryInterpretationCheck], src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  124. class DFTranslationC extends Comp[DFTranslation]
  125. case class DFTransportedSymbols(ns: ArgNameList, tr: ArgTranslation, rn: Option[ArgRenamer], src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  126. trait DefForm extends AnyRef
  127. class DefFormParsers extends AnyRef
  128. case class DefString(s: String, src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  129. case class Define(cont: Script, src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  130. case class EnsembleDontTranslateConst(nm: Script, src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  131. case class Heralding(name: Name, src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  132. case class IMPSApply(f: IMPSMathExp, ts: List[IMPSMathExp]) extends IMPSMathExp with Product with Serializable
  133. case class IMPSAtomSort(s: String) extends IMPSSort with Product with Serializable
  134. case class IMPSBinaryFunSort(s1: IMPSSort, s2: IMPSSort) extends IMPSSort with Product with Serializable
  135. case class IMPSConjunction(ps: List[IMPSMathExp]) extends IMPSMathExp with Product with Serializable
  136. class IMPSDependencyException extends Exception
  137. case class IMPSDisjunction(ps: List[IMPSMathExp]) extends IMPSMathExp with Product with Serializable
  138. case class IMPSDomain(f: IMPSMathExp) extends IMPSQuasiConstructor with Product with Serializable
  139. case class IMPSEquals(t1: IMPSMathExp, t2: IMPSMathExp) extends IMPSMathExp with Product with Serializable
  140. case class IMPSFalseLike(b: IMPSSort) extends IMPSQuasiConstructor with Product with Serializable
  141. case class IMPSFalsehood() extends IMPSMathExp with Product with Serializable
  142. case class IMPSForAll(vs: List[(IMPSVar, IMPSSort)], p: IMPSMathExp) extends IMPSMathExp with Product with Serializable
  143. case class IMPSForSome(vs: List[(IMPSVar, IMPSSort)], p: IMPSMathExp) extends IMPSMathExp with Product with Serializable
  144. case class IMPSIf(p: IMPSMathExp, t1: IMPSMathExp, t2: IMPSMathExp) extends IMPSMathExp with Product with Serializable
  145. case class IMPSIfForm(p: IMPSMathExp, q: IMPSMathExp, r: IMPSMathExp) extends IMPSMathExp with Product with Serializable
  146. case class IMPSIff(p: IMPSMathExp, q: IMPSMathExp) extends IMPSMathExp with Product with Serializable
  147. case class IMPSImplication(p: IMPSMathExp, q: IMPSMathExp) extends IMPSMathExp with Product with Serializable
  148. class IMPSImportTask extends Logger with MMTTask
  149. class IMPSImporter extends Importer
  150. case class IMPSIndividual() extends IMPSMathExp with Product with Serializable
  151. case class IMPSIota(v1: IMPSVar, s1: IMPSSort, p: IMPSMathExp) extends IMPSMathExp with Product with Serializable
  152. case class IMPSIotaP(v1: IMPSVar, s1: IMPSSort, p: IMPSMathExp) extends IMPSMathExp with Product with Serializable
  153. case class IMPSIsDefined(t: IMPSMathExp) extends IMPSMathExp with Product with Serializable
  154. case class IMPSIsDefinedIn(t: IMPSMathExp, s: IMPSSort) extends IMPSMathExp with Product with Serializable
  155. case class IMPSLambda(vs: List[(IMPSVar, IMPSSort)], t: IMPSMathExp) extends IMPSMathExp with Product with Serializable
  156. abstract class IMPSMathExp extends AnyRef
  157. case class IMPSMathSymbol(s: String) extends IMPSMathExp with Product with Serializable
  158. case class IMPSNaryFunSort(ss: List[IMPSSort]) extends IMPSSort with Product with Serializable
  159. case class IMPSNegation(p: IMPSMathExp) extends IMPSMathExp with Product with Serializable
  160. case class IMPSNonVacuous(p: IMPSMathExp) extends IMPSQuasiConstructor with Product with Serializable
  161. case class IMPSQCAppend(s1: IMPSMathExp, s2: IMPSMathExp) extends IMPSUserDefinedQuasiConstructor with Product with Serializable
  162. case class IMPSQCBigIntersection(f: IMPSMathExp) extends IMPSUserDefinedQuasiConstructor with Product with Serializable
  163. case class IMPSQCBigUnion(f: IMPSMathExp) extends IMPSUserDefinedQuasiConstructor with Product with Serializable
  164. case class IMPSQCCollapse(s: IMPSMathExp) extends IMPSUserDefinedQuasiConstructor with Product with Serializable
  165. case class IMPSQCComplement(m: IMPSMathExp) extends IMPSUserDefinedQuasiConstructor with Product with Serializable
  166. case class IMPSQCCons(e: IMPSMathExp, s: IMPSMathExp) extends IMPSUserDefinedQuasiConstructor with Product with Serializable
  167. case class IMPSQCConstrict(s: IMPSMathExp, a: IMPSMathExp) extends IMPSUserDefinedQuasiConstructor with Product with Serializable
  168. case class IMPSQCCountableCover(f: IMPSMathExp, a: IMPSMathExp) extends IMPSUserDefinedQuasiConstructor with Product with Serializable
  169. case class IMPSQCDifference(d1: IMPSMathExp, d2: IMPSMathExp) extends IMPSUserDefinedQuasiConstructor with Product with Serializable
  170. case class IMPSQCDisjoint(dj1: IMPSMathExp, dj2: IMPSMathExp) extends IMPSUserDefinedQuasiConstructor with Product with Serializable
  171. case class IMPSQCDrop(e: IMPSMathExp, s: IMPSMathExp) extends IMPSUserDefinedQuasiConstructor with Product with Serializable
  172. case class IMPSQCEmbeds(a: IMPSMathExp, b: IMPSMathExp) extends IMPSUserDefinedQuasiConstructor with Product with Serializable
  173. case class IMPSQCEmptyIndicator(srt: IMPSMathExp) extends IMPSUserDefinedQuasiConstructor with Product with Serializable
  174. case class IMPSQCEmptyIndicatorQ(srt: IMPSMathExp) extends IMPSUserDefinedQuasiConstructor with Product with Serializable
  175. case class IMPSQCEquinumerous(a: IMPSMathExp, b: IMPSMathExp) extends IMPSUserDefinedQuasiConstructor with Product with Serializable
  176. case class IMPSQCFinCard(a: IMPSMathExp) extends IMPSUserDefinedQuasiConstructor with Product with Serializable
  177. case class IMPSQCFinIndic(i: IMPSMathExp) extends IMPSUserDefinedQuasiConstructor with Product with Serializable
  178. case class IMPSQCFinSort(s: IMPSSort) extends IMPSUserDefinedQuasiConstructor with Product with Serializable
  179. case class IMPSQCFiniteCover(f: IMPSMathExp, a: IMPSMathExp) extends IMPSUserDefinedQuasiConstructor with Product with Serializable
  180. case class IMPSQCFirst(s: IMPSMathExp) extends IMPSUserDefinedQuasiConstructor with Product with Serializable
  181. case class IMPSQCFseqQ(s: IMPSMathExp) extends IMPSUserDefinedQuasiConstructor with Product with Serializable
  182. case class IMPSQCGroups(m: IMPSMathExp, mul: IMPSMathExp, e: IMPSMathExp, inv: IMPSMathExp) extends IMPSUserDefinedQuasiConstructor with Product with Serializable
  183. case class IMPSQCIn(e1: IMPSMathExp, e2: IMPSMathExp) extends IMPSUserDefinedQuasiConstructor with Product with Serializable
  184. case class IMPSQCInSeq(s1: IMPSMathExp, s2: IMPSMathExp) extends IMPSUserDefinedQuasiConstructor with Product with Serializable
  185. case class IMPSQCIntersection(i1: IMPSMathExp, i2: IMPSMathExp) extends IMPSUserDefinedQuasiConstructor with Product with Serializable
  186. case class IMPSQCInvariant(a: IMPSMathExp, f: IMPSMathExp) extends IMPSUserDefinedQuasiConstructor with Product with Serializable
  187. case class IMPSQCLength(o: IMPSMathExp) extends IMPSUserDefinedQuasiConstructor with Product with Serializable
  188. case class IMPSQCMBijective(f: IMPSMathExp) extends IMPSUserDefinedQuasiConstructor with Product with Serializable
  189. case class IMPSQCMBijectiveOn(f: IMPSMathExp, a: IMPSMathExp, b: IMPSMathExp) extends IMPSUserDefinedQuasiConstructor with Product with Serializable
  190. case class IMPSQCMComposition(g: IMPSMathExp, f: IMPSMathExp) extends IMPSUserDefinedQuasiConstructor with Product with Serializable
  191. case class IMPSQCMDomain(f: IMPSMathExp) extends IMPSUserDefinedQuasiConstructor with Product with Serializable
  192. case class IMPSQCMId(s: IMPSMathExp) extends IMPSUserDefinedQuasiConstructor with Product with Serializable
  193. case class IMPSQCMImage(f: IMPSMathExp, s: IMPSMathExp) extends IMPSUserDefinedQuasiConstructor with Product with Serializable
  194. case class IMPSQCMInjective(f: IMPSMathExp) extends IMPSUserDefinedQuasiConstructor with Product with Serializable
  195. case class IMPSQCMInjectiveOn(f: IMPSMathExp, a: IMPSMathExp) extends IMPSUserDefinedQuasiConstructor with Product with Serializable
  196. case class IMPSQCMInverse(f: IMPSMathExp) extends IMPSUserDefinedQuasiConstructor with Product with Serializable
  197. case class IMPSQCMInverseImage(f: IMPSMathExp, v: IMPSMathExp) extends IMPSUserDefinedQuasiConstructor with Product with Serializable
  198. case class IMPSQCMRange(f: IMPSMathExp) extends IMPSUserDefinedQuasiConstructor with Product with Serializable
  199. case class IMPSQCMRestrict(f: IMPSMathExp, a: IMPSMathExp) extends IMPSUserDefinedQuasiConstructor with Product with Serializable
  200. case class IMPSQCMRestrict2(f: IMPSMathExp, a: IMPSMathExp, b: IMPSMathExp) extends IMPSUserDefinedQuasiConstructor with Product with Serializable
  201. case class IMPSQCMSurjective(f: IMPSMathExp) extends IMPSUserDefinedQuasiConstructor with Product with Serializable
  202. case class IMPSQCMSurjectiveOn(f: IMPSMathExp, a: IMPSMathExp, b: IMPSMathExp) extends IMPSUserDefinedQuasiConstructor with Product with Serializable
  203. case class IMPSQCNil(o: IMPSMathExp) extends IMPSUserDefinedQuasiConstructor with Product with Serializable
  204. case class IMPSQCNonemptyIndicator(srt: IMPSMathExp) extends IMPSUserDefinedQuasiConstructor with Product with Serializable
  205. case class IMPSQCPair(p: IMPSMathExp, q: IMPSMathExp) extends IMPSUserDefinedQuasiConstructor with Product with Serializable
  206. case class IMPSQCPairQ(s: IMPSMathExp) extends IMPSUserDefinedQuasiConstructor with Product with Serializable
  207. case class IMPSQCPartitionQ(p: IMPSMathExp, s: IMPSMathExp) extends IMPSUserDefinedQuasiConstructor with Product with Serializable
  208. case class IMPSQCPred2Indicator(pred: IMPSMathExp) extends IMPSUserDefinedQuasiConstructor with Product with Serializable
  209. case class IMPSQCSecond(s: IMPSMathExp) extends IMPSUserDefinedQuasiConstructor with Product with Serializable
  210. case class IMPSQCSingleton(n: IMPSMathExp) extends IMPSUserDefinedQuasiConstructor with Product with Serializable
  211. case class IMPSQCSort2Indicator(sort: IMPSMathExp) extends IMPSUserDefinedQuasiConstructor with Product with Serializable
  212. case class IMPSQCSubset(e1: IMPSMathExp, e2: IMPSMathExp) extends IMPSUserDefinedQuasiConstructor with Product with Serializable
  213. case class IMPSQCSubsetEQ(e1: IMPSMathExp, e2: IMPSMathExp) extends IMPSUserDefinedQuasiConstructor with Product with Serializable
  214. case class IMPSQCSymDifference(sd1: IMPSMathExp, sd2: IMPSMathExp) extends IMPSUserDefinedQuasiConstructor with Product with Serializable
  215. case class IMPSQCTakeFirst(l: IMPSMathExp, n: IMPSMathExp) extends IMPSUserDefinedQuasiConstructor with Product with Serializable
  216. case class IMPSQCUnion(u1: IMPSMathExp, u2: IMPSMathExp) extends IMPSUserDefinedQuasiConstructor with Product with Serializable
  217. abstract class IMPSQuasiConstructor extends IMPSMathExp
  218. case class IMPSQuasiEquals(e1: IMPSMathExp, e2: IMPSMathExp) extends IMPSQuasiConstructor with Product with Serializable
  219. case class IMPSSetSort(s: IMPSSort) extends IMPSSort with Product with Serializable
  220. abstract class IMPSSort extends AnyRef
  221. case class IMPSTotal(f: IMPSMathExp, beta: IMPSSort) extends IMPSQuasiConstructor with Product with Serializable
  222. case class IMPSTruth() extends IMPSMathExp with Product with Serializable
  223. case class IMPSUndefined(s: IMPSSort) extends IMPSMathExp with Product with Serializable
  224. case class IMPSUnknownSort(hash: Int) extends IMPSSort with Product with Serializable
  225. abstract class IMPSUserDefinedQuasiConstructor extends IMPSQuasiConstructor
  226. case class IMPSVar(v: String) extends IMPSMathExp with Product with Serializable
  227. case class IMPSWith(vars: List[(IMPSVar, IMPSSort)], expression: IMPSMathExp) extends IMPSMathExp with Product with Serializable
  228. case class LineComment(s: String, src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  229. case class MSpecName(nm: Name, src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends MaceteSpec with Product with Serializable
  230. case class MSpecParallel(specs: List[MaceteSpec], src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends MaceteSpec with Product with Serializable
  231. case class MSpecRepeat(specs: List[MaceteSpec], src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends MaceteSpec with Product with Serializable
  232. case class MSpecSequential(specs: List[MaceteSpec], src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends MaceteSpec with Product with Serializable
  233. case class MSpecSeries(specs: List[MaceteSpec], src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends MaceteSpec with Product with Serializable
  234. case class MSpecSound(spec1: MaceteSpec, spec2: MaceteSpec, spec3: MaceteSpec, src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends MaceteSpec with Product with Serializable
  235. case class MSpecWithoutMinorPremises(spec: MaceteSpec, src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends MaceteSpec with Product with Serializable
  236. abstract class MaceteSpec extends DefForm
  237. case class ModCancellative(src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  238. case class ModCommutes(src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  239. case class ModDontEnrich(src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  240. case class ModForce(src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  241. case class ModForceUnderQuickLoad(src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  242. case class ModLemma(src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  243. case class ModNull(src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  244. case class ModQuickLoad(src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  245. case class ModReload(src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  246. case class ModReverse(src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  247. case class ModTex(src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  248. case class ModTransportable(src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  249. case class ModUseNumerals(src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  250. class NEWIMPSParser extends Logger
  251. case class Name(s: String, src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  252. case class Number(n: Int, src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  253. case class ODefString(o: Either[(DefString, Option[IMPSMathExp]), Name], src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  254. case class QCConstantlike(nm: Name, src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  255. case class QDFSpecForm(sclrs: Option[ArgScalars], ops: Option[ArgOperations], usenum: Option[ModUseNumerals], comm: Option[ModCommutes], src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  256. type Required = Boolean
  257. abstract class SEXP extends AnyRef
  258. case class SEXPAtom(s: String) extends SEXP with Product with Serializable
  259. case class SEXPNested(args: List[SEXP]) extends SEXP with Product with Serializable
  260. case class Script(s: String, src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  261. case class Section(name: String, dependencies: List[Section], files: List[String], jsons: List[String]) extends Product with Serializable
  262. case class Simplog1stWrapper(d: DefForm, src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  263. type SourceInfo = Option[Either[((Int, Int, Int), (Int, Int, Int)), SourceRef]]
  264. case class TeXCorrespondence(scrpt: Script, src: SourceInfo, cmt: CommentInfo) extends DefForm with Product with Serializable
  265. class TheoryEnsemble extends AnyRef
  266. class TranslationState extends AnyRef

Value Members

  1. def ??![T](x: Any): T
  2. val O: Boolean
  3. val R: Boolean
  4. def hAssert(b: Boolean, x: Any): Unit
  5. val log_details: Some[String]
  6. val log_overview: Some[String]
  7. val log_specifics: Some[String]
  8. val log_steps: Some[String]
  9. val log_structure: Some[String]
  10. object DFAlgebraicProcessor extends Comp[DFAlgebraicProcessor] with Serializable
  11. object DFComment extends Comp[DFComment] with Serializable
  12. object DFCompoundMacete extends Comp[DFCompoundMacete] with Serializable
  13. object DFImportedRewriteRules extends Comp[DFImportedRewriteRules] with Serializable
  14. object DFIncludeFiles extends Comp[DFIncludeFiles] with Serializable
  15. object DFInductor extends Comp[DFInductor] with Serializable
  16. object DFLanguage extends Comp[DFLanguage] with Serializable
  17. object DFLoadSection extends Comp[DFLoadSection] with Serializable
  18. object DFOrderProcessor extends Comp[DFOrderProcessor] with Serializable
  19. object DFOverloading extends Comp[DFOverloading] with Serializable
  20. object DFParseSyntax extends Comp[DFParseSyntax] with Serializable
  21. object DFPrintSyntax extends Comp[DFPrintSyntax] with Serializable
  22. object DFQuasiConstructor extends Comp[DFQuasiConstructor] with Serializable
  23. object DFRenamer extends Comp[DFRenamer] with Serializable
  24. object DFSchematicMacete extends Comp[DFSchematicMacete] with Serializable
  25. object DFScript extends Comp[DFScript] with Serializable
  26. object DFSection extends Comp[DFSection] with Serializable
  27. object DFTheoryEnsemble extends Comp[DFTheoryEnsemble] with Serializable
  28. object DFTheoryEnsembleInstances extends Comp[DFTheoryEnsembleInstances] with Serializable
  29. object DFTheoryEnsembleMultiple extends Comp[DFTheoryEnsembleMultiple] with Serializable
  30. object DFTheoryEnsembleOverloadings extends Comp[DFTheoryEnsembleOverloadings] with Serializable
  31. object DFTheoryInstance extends Comp[DFTheoryInstance] with Serializable
  32. object DFTheoryProcessors extends Comp[DFTheoryProcessors] with Serializable
  33. object DFTransportedSymbols extends Comp[DFTransportedSymbols] with Serializable
  34. object DecLiterals extends RepresentedRealizedType[Double]
  35. object FrmFnd extends Logger
  36. object Heralding extends Comp[Heralding] with Serializable
  37. object IMPSImportTask
  38. object IMPSTheory
  39. object ImpsOctet extends RSubtype[BigInt]
  40. object IntLiterals extends RepresentedRealizedType[BigInt]
  41. object NumericalType extends Enumeration
  42. object OctLiterals extends RepresentedRealizedType[BigInt]
  43. object OperationType extends Enumeration
  44. object ParseMethod extends Enumeration
  45. object ParserWithSourcePosition extends Parsers with UnparsedParsers
  46. object QDFSpecForm extends Comp[QDFSpecForm] with Serializable
  47. object RatLiterals extends RepresentedRealizedType[(BigInt, BigInt)]
  48. object Usage extends Enumeration

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
