package notations
This package maintains the common data structures for parsing and presentation.
TextNotation is the main notation class. It is similar to MMT objects, in particular it is stateless.
NotationContainer statefully maintains the notations assigned to a declaration. These are owned by StructuralElements to carry notations, akin to how they carry type/definition.
- Source
- package.scala
- Alphabetic
- By Inheritance
- notations
- AnyRef
- Any
- Hide All
- Show All
- Public
- All
Type Members
sealed abstract
Arg extends ArgumentMarker
an argument
- sealed trait ArgumentComponent extends ArityComponent
- sealed abstract class ArgumentMarker extends Marker with ArgumentComponent
case class
Arity(subargs: List[ArgumentComponent], variables: List[VariableComponent], arguments: List[ArgumentComponent], attribution: Boolean) extends Product with Serializable
the arity of a symbol describes what kind of objects can be formed from it
the arity of a symbol describes what kind of objects can be formed from it
- subargs
arguments before the context
- variables
the variable positions in order
- arguments
arguments after the context
- attribution
true if it can attribute an object special cases and analogs in the OpenMath role system for a symbol s: no arguments, variables: constant, s some arguments, no variables: application OMA(s, args) some arguments, some variables: binder, OMBINDC(s, vars, args) as above but exactly 1 argument: usual binders, generalized binders as suggested by Davenport, Kohlhase, MKM 2010
ArityComponent extends AnyRef
see Arity
see Arity
Almost all ArityComponents arise as the non-Delimiter NotationMarkers
- sealed abstract class AtomicPresentationMarker extends PresentationMarker
case class
Bindfix(delim: Delimiter, impl: Int, expl: Int, assoc: Boolean) extends SimpleFixity with Product with Serializable
delimiter followed by first and second (explicit) argument with .
delimiter followed by first and second (explicit) argument with . in between
- assoc
merge with nested bindings using the same binder; currently ignored assumes arguments are one variable and one scope; expl must be 1
case class
CommonMarkerProperties(precedence: Option[Precedence], localNotations: Option[LocalNotationInfo]) extends Product with Serializable
bundles minor properties of markers to make the interfaces more robust
case class
Delim(s: String, associatesToLeft: Boolean = true) extends Delimiter with Product with Serializable
a delimiter
a delimiter
- s
the delimiting String, %w for whitespace
sealed abstract
Delimiter extends Marker
Markers that are delimiters
case class
ErrorMarker(content: List[Marker]) extends PresentationMarker with Product with Serializable
Marker for error elements in MathML
case class
Finite(ones: Int) extends InfInt with Product with Serializable
Fixity extends AnyRef
a Fixity is used by a TextNotation to arrange arguments and delimiters
a Fixity is used by a TextNotation to arrange arguments and delimiters
A Fixity is a high-level construct that elaborates into a list of Markers. Parser and present only use the latter.
case class
FractionMarker(above: List[Marker], below: List[Marker], line: Boolean) extends PresentationMarker with Product with Serializable
a marker for fractions
case class
GlyphMarker(src: Delim, alt: String = "Failed Loading") extends AtomicPresentationMarker with Product with Serializable
a marker for mglyph, to load non-standard symbols
a marker for mglyph, to load non-standard symbols
- src
the source (link) of the symbol
- alt
the text to show in case of failure
case class
GroupMarker(content: List[Marker]) extends PresentationMarker with Product with Serializable
groups a list of markers into a single marker
case class
HOAS(apply: GlobalName, bind: GlobalName, typeAtt: GlobalName) extends Product with Serializable
tuple of HOAS symbol names
HOASApplySpine extends AnyRef
convenience apply/unapply for a HOAS application operator unapply recurses to uncurry
HOASNotation extends NotationExtension
OMA(apply, op, args)) <--> OMA(op, args)
OMA(apply, op, args)) <--> OMA(op, args)
OMA(apply, op, OMBIND(bind, context, args)) <--> OMBIND(op, context, args)
x: OMA(typeAtt, tp) <--> x: tp
assumption: HOAS notations do not have arguments before context
case class
IdenMarker(value: Delim) extends AtomicPresentationMarker with Product with Serializable
Marker for Identifier in MathML -
case class
ImplicitArg(number: Int, properties: CommonMarkerProperties = noProps) extends ArgumentMarker with Product with Serializable
an implicit argument
an implicit argument
usually these are not mentioned in the notation, but occasionally they have to be, e.g., when an implicit argument is the last argument
sealed abstract
InfInt extends Ordered[InfInt]
InfInt: integers with positive and negative infinity
case class
Infix(delim: Delimiter, impl: Int, expl: Int, assoc: Option[Boolean]) extends SimpleFixity with Product with Serializable
delimiter after the first (explicit) argument
delimiter after the first (explicit) argument
- assoc
None/Some(true)/Some(false) for none, left, right; currently ignored
case class
InstanceName(base: Delim) extends PlaceholderDelimiter with Product with Serializable
expands by prepending the instance name to a delimiter
expands by prepending the instance name to a delimiter
- base
delimiter independent of instance name
- case class InvalidNotation(msg: String) extends Throwable with Product with Serializable
case class
LabelArg(number: Int, info: LabelInfo, properties: CommonMarkerProperties = noProps) extends Arg with Product with Serializable
OML arguments, possibly with required type/definiens
case class
LabelInfo(typed: Boolean, defined: Boolean, dependent: Boolean) extends Product with Serializable
bundles flags for properties of LabelArg and LabelSeqArg
bundles flags for properties of LabelArg and LabelSeqArg
- typed
types are required
- defined
definitions are required
- dependent
definitions are required
case class
LabelMarker(content: List[Marker], label: String) extends PresentationMarker with Product with Serializable
a maker based on mathml label
case class
LabelSeqArg(number: Int, sep: Delim, info: LabelInfo, properties: CommonMarkerProperties) extends SeqArg with Product with Serializable
sequence of LabelArg
sequence of LabelArg
- sep
the separator
case class
LocalNotationInfo(argument: Int, role: Role, replace: Boolean) extends Product with Serializable
determines how different notations are to be used for parsing a particular argument
determines how different notations are to be used for parsing a particular argument
- argument
the argument that determines what notations to use
- role
how does that argument determine a set of notations
- replace
determines if new notations replace or extend existing ones
sealed abstract
Marker extends AnyRef
Objects of type Marker make up the pattern of a Notation
case class
Mixfix(markers: List[Marker]) extends Fixity with Product with Serializable
the default Fixity, which is directly a list of markers
NestedHOASNotation extends NotationExtension
Church-style higher-order abstract (obj) syntax within LF-style higher-order abstract syntax (meta),
Church-style higher-order abstract (obj) syntax within LF-style higher-order abstract syntax (meta),
e.g., apply: tm A=>B -> tm B -> tm B lam : (tm A -> tm B) -> tm A=>B
assumption: notations give meta-arguments as arguments before context
NotationCache extends ArchiveChangeListener
caches notations for objects that are not in memory by reading them when an archive is opened
caches notations for objects that are not in memory by reading them when an archive is opened
When loading an object into in Controller.add, cache entries are deleted so that future lookup are made via the libary
NotationContainer extends ComponentContainer
A NotationContainer wraps around various notations that can be associated with a Declaration
- class NotationDimension extends AnyRef
NotationExtension extends Rule
A Fixity is a high-level description of a list of markers that can be used for parsing or presentation
A Fixity is a high-level description of a list of markers that can be used for parsing or presentation
It is returned by a FixityParser and used in a TextNotation
case class
NotationScope(variant: Option[String], languages: List[String], priority: Int) extends Product with Serializable
scope where a notation is applicable variant : optionally the name of this notation variant languages : the languages where this notation is applicable (e.g.
scope where a notation is applicable variant : optionally the name of this notation variant languages : the languages where this notation is applicable (e.g. tex, mmt, lf, mathml) priority : the priority of this notation when looking for a default notation
case class
NumberMarker(value: Delim) extends AtomicPresentationMarker with Product with Serializable
a marker for a fixed numeric value
OMAUnder extends AnyRef
apply/unapply for a pragmatic OMA under a given list of HOAS apply operators
case class
PhantomMarker(content: List[Marker]) extends PresentationMarker with Product with Serializable
Marker for phantom elements in MathML
PlaceholderDelimiter extends Delimiter
special delimiters that use non-trivial implementations of expand
special delimiters that use non-trivial implementations of expand
These are only useful for presentation, not for parsing.
case class
Postfix(delim: Delimiter, impl: Int, expl: Int) extends SimpleFixity with Product with Serializable
delimiter after the (explicit) arguments
- case class PragmaticTerm(op: GlobalName, subs: Substitution, con: Context, args: List[Term], attribution: Boolean, notation: TextNotation, pos: List[Position]) extends Product with Serializable
- class Pragmatics extends ChangeListener
case class
Precedence(prec: InfInt, loseTie: Boolean) extends Ordered[Precedence] with Product with Serializable
binding precedences of operators are represented
binding precedences of operators are represented
- loseTie
tie-breaking flag for comparisons
case class
Prefix(delim: Delimiter, impl: Int, expl: Int) extends SimpleFixity with Product with Serializable
delimiter followed by the (explicit) arguments
sealed abstract
PresentationMarker extends Marker
PresentationMarker's occur in two-dimensional notations
PresentationMarker's occur in two-dimensional notations
They typically take other lists of markers as arguments, thus building a tree of markers.
- trait PresentationMarkerWrappingMarkerList extends AnyRef
case class
RootMarker(argument: List[Marker], index: List[Marker] = Nil) extends PresentationMarker with Product with Serializable
a marker representing the nth(index) root in mathml
case class
ScriptMarker(main: Marker, sup: Option[Marker], sub: Option[Marker], over: Option[Marker], under: Option[Marker]) extends PresentationMarker with Product with Serializable
decorates a marker with various scripts
sealed abstract
SeqArg extends ArgumentMarker
a sequence argument
case class
SimpArg(number: Int, properties: CommonMarkerProperties = noProps) extends Arg with Product with Serializable
normal arguments
case class
SimpSeqArg(number: Int, sep: Delim, properties: CommonMarkerProperties) extends SeqArg with Product with Serializable
sequence of SimpArg
sequence of SimpArg
- sep
the separator
SimpleFixity extends Fixity
A SimpleFixity is one out of multiple typical fixities (infix, postfix, etc) characterized by using only a single delimiter.
A SimpleFixity is one out of multiple typical fixities (infix, postfix, etc) characterized by using only a single delimiter.
impl and expl do not have to agree with the number of arguments demanded by the type system. * Notation has more arguments than function type: Notation extensions may handle the extra arguments. Example: equal : {a:tp} tm (a => a => bool), impl = 1, expl = 2 * Notation has less arguments than function type: Operator return a function. Example: union : {a:tp} tm (a set => a set => a set) where a set = a => bool, impl = 1, expl = 2
case class
SymbolName() extends PlaceholderDelimiter with Product with Serializable
expands to the name of the symbol or an alias (whichever is the shortest)
expands to the name of the symbol or an alias (whichever is the shortest)
useful for repetitive notations that differ only in the name
case class
TableMarker(content: List[Marker]) extends PresentationMarker with Product with Serializable
a marker based on mathml mtd elements, representing tables
case class
TdMarker(content: List[Marker]) extends PresentationMarker with Product with Serializable
a marker based on mathml mtd elements, representing table cells
- case class TextMarker(text: Delim) extends AtomicPresentationMarker with Product with Serializable
case class
TextNotation(fixity: Fixity, precedence: Precedence, meta: Option[MPath], scope: NotationScope = NotationScope.default) extends HasMetaData with Product with Serializable
A TextNotation is a Notation that can be used for parsing objects in text syntax
A TextNotation is a Notation that can be used for parsing objects in text syntax
- fixity
the mixfix notation
- precedence
the precedence, notations with lower precedence are tried first, thus grab larger subterms
- meta
the meta-theory of this notation if different from the current meta-theory
- scope
a typed Var must be preceded by a Delim because Var.key does not trigger the notation not all markers may be Arg because such notations cannot be parsed if the only marker is SeqArg, it must hold that OMA(name, List(x)) = x because sequences of length 1 are parsed as themselves
case class
TrMarker(content: List[Marker]) extends PresentationMarker with Product with Serializable
a marker based on mathml mtd elements, representing table rows
case class
Var(number: Int, typed: Boolean, sep: Option[Delim], properties: CommonMarkerProperties = noProps) extends Marker with VariableComponent with Product with Serializable
a variable binding
a variable binding
- number
the number of the variable
- typed
true if the variable carries a type (to be inferred if omitted)
- sep
if given, this is a variable sequence with this separator; for typed variables with the same type, only the last one needs a type
- sealed trait VariableComponent extends ArityComponent
sealed abstract
VerbalizationMarker extends Marker
Verbalization markers occur in verbalization notations
- case class WordMarker(word: String) extends VerbalizationMarker with Product with Serializable
Value Members
- object Arity extends Serializable
- object AttributedObject extends Marker with Product with Serializable
- object CommonMarkerProperties extends Serializable
Delim extends Serializable
replace the default unapply method to ignore the argument with default value when pattern-matching
helper object
parses MixFix and SimpleFixity
helper object for InfInts
InferenceMarker extends AtomicPresentationMarker with Product with Serializable
a marker for type of the presented object
Infinite extends InfInt with Product with Serializable
positively infinite InfInt
- object LabelInfo extends Serializable
- object LocalNotationInfo extends Serializable
- object Marker
MixfixNotation extends NotationExtension
the standard mixfix notation for a list of Markers
NegInfinite extends InfInt with Product with Serializable
positively infinite InfInt
- object NotationContainer
defines some implicit conversions to produce Markers
- object NotationDimension
- object NotationLexFunction extends AsymmetricEscapeLexer
- object NotationRealizedType extends RepresentedRealizedType[TextNotation]
- object NotationScope extends Serializable
- object NotationSemanticType extends Atomic[TextNotation]
- object NotationType
Precedence extends Serializable
helper object for precedences
- object PresentationMarker
- object TextNotation extends Serializable