
  • package root
    Definition Classes
  • package info
    Definition Classes
  • package kwarc
    Definition Classes
  • package mmt
    Definition Classes
  • package api

    This is the main package of the MMT API.

    This is the main package of the MMT API.

    It holds subpackages for all data structures, data containers, and the central algorithms and services.

    Classes directly defined in the package

    Some minor classes that are used throughout MMT are defined in this package, in particular:

    • MMT URIs in the class Path and Namespace
    • processing and content errors in the class Error

    The package also contains root classes for certain types that are subclassed throughout the package. Most importantly:

    • StructuralElement: structure-level (= named) parts in the data structures for the MMT language: documents, theories, constants, ...
    • MMTTask: tasks for a single object: parsing, checking, ...
    • Rule: object-level part of the MMT language that is written in Scala


    Data structures for the MMT language

    The data structures for the MMT languages are defined in 4 packages corresponding to the 4 levels: - documents: Documents and all other NarrativeElements - modules: Modules (= the toplevel declarations), in particular Theorys and Views - symbols: all Declarations inside modules, in particular Constants - objects: all anonymous Objects (e.g., formulas, functions, etc.), in particular Contexts and Terms

    The former 3 levels are jointly called 'structural' levels. All elements subclass StructuralElement, have an MMT URI, and carry an MMT URI referring to their parent in the MMT abstract syntax tree.

    Structural elements are extensible (via DerivedModules and DerivedDeclarations), and the package patterns defines declaration patterns as a built-in extension.

    All structural elements are mutable and implement the ContainerElement interface for changing their children. Objects, by contrast, are represented as immutable inductive types.(except for carrying metadata.Metadata and objects.ClientProperties). The boundary between structural elements and objects is mediated by ComponentContainers: these are mutable, owned by structural elements, and maintain objects.

    A few auxiliary data structures shifted to separate packages: - opaque: external (i.e., informal, computation) content - informal: partially outdated informal data structures - metadata: metadata annotations to all structural elements or objects

    The MMT main class and its internal state

    The package frontend contains the class Controller, which owns all state relevant for running MMT. Typically, each application creates a single instance of this class. The package also defines several other essential classes, most importantly MMT's extension (=plug-in, add-on) interfaces via the Extension class.

    The package libraries maintains the instances of MMT language data structures, in particular the Library class. Controller owns a Library, which stores all structural elements that have been loaded into memory.

    User interfaces

    The package frontend also contains the main executable classes, in particular the Shell class.

    The package gui collects all classes for building graphical user interfaces. This includes auxiliary classes for use in IDE plugins.

    The package web collects all classes for the HTTP interface of MMT.

    Physical storage of the MMT language files

    The package archives defines MMT Archives (= projects) as well as classes for building and working with archives. The latter include in particular the BuildManager and BuildTarget. Build targets include Importers and [Exporter]]s that translate between MMT and other formats.

    The package backend defines classes for maintaining archives and translating between the MMT URIs of structural elements and their physical storage locations.

    The central algorithms for processing MMT content

    The processing model of MMT consists of several major algorithms. - parser: read strings into MMT data structures - checking: check and refine MMT data structures - uom: pure computation on MMT data structures - proving: theorem proving on MMT data structures (in very early state)) - execution: imperative computation (in very, very early state) - presentation: rendering MMT data structures in user-facing formats (including HTML+presentation MathML)

    All algorithms are defined in Extensions coupled with default implementations. Moreover, all algorithms are split into two separate levels, one for structural elements and objects. See LeveledExtension.

    The package notations maintains the common code for parsing and presentation.

    The package valuebases maintains mathematical databases as a part of MMT.

    Other algorithms on the MMT data structures

    The package ontology contains a relational, semantic web-style ontology and query engine for it.

    The package moc contains change management.

    The package refactoring contains refactoring principles.

    General purpose utility functions

    The package utils defines general purpose APIs for files, URIs, HTML building, etc.

    Definition Classes
  • package modules

    MMT Modules, i.e., Theorys and Views.

    MMT Modules, i.e., Theorys and Views.

    Link unifies Views and symbols.Structures, the two kinds of atomic theory morphisms.

    ModuleOrLink unifies the two. That class defines most of the state of a module, in particular the body.

    Definition Classes
  • AbstractTheory
  • Link
  • Module
  • ModuleOrLink
  • ModuleWrapper
  • RuleCache
  • Theory
  • View

class Theory extends Module with AbstractTheory

  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. Theory
  2. AbstractTheory
  3. Module
  4. ModuleOrLink
  5. HasDefiniens
  6. ContainerElement
  7. MutableElementContainer
  8. ElementContainer
  9. ContentElement
  10. StructuralElement
  11. NamedElement
  12. Content
  13. ClientProperties
  14. HasMetaData
  15. AnyRef
  16. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Instance Constructors

  1. new Theory(doc: DPath, name: LocalName, mt: Option[MPath], paramC: ContextContainer, dfC: TermContainer)


    as for Module


    as for Module


    the optional meta-theory


    the interface/parameters/arguments of this theory


    the definiens/base theory of this theory

Value Members

  1. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  2. final def ##(): Int
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  3. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  4. def add(d: Declaration, at: AddPosition = AtEnd): Unit

    adds a named declaration, throws exception if name already declared

    adds a named declaration, throws exception if name already declared


    declaration to add


    the position where to add, at end by default this throws an errors if a declaration for that name already exists; exception: if the two declarations are equivalent, the old one is overridden

    Definition Classes
  5. def addAfterNarrative(d: Declaration, after: LocalName): Unit

    like add, but treats the second argument as the name of a NarrativeElement

    like add, but treats the second argument as the name of a NarrativeElement

    Definition Classes
  6. def asDocument: Document

    the narrative structure

    the narrative structure

    Definition Classes
  7. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0
    Definition Classes
  8. lazy val clientProperty: ListMap[URI, Any]
    Definition Classes
  9. def clone(): AnyRef
    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... ) @native()
  10. def compatible(that: StructuralElement): Boolean

    two StructuralElement's are compatible if they have the same type, same Path, and agree in all parts that are TermContainer's

    two StructuralElement's are compatible if they have the same type, same Path, and agree in all parts that are TermContainer's

    Definition Classes
  11. def declares(name: LocalName): Boolean

    true iff a declaration for a name is present

    true iff a declaration for a name is present

    Definition Classes
  12. def delete(name: LocalName): Option[Declaration]

    delete a named declaration (does not have to exist)

    delete a named declaration (does not have to exist)


    the deleted declaration

    Definition Classes
  13. def df: Option[Term]
    Definition Classes
  14. val dfC: TermContainer
    Definition Classes
  15. def dfNode: Seq[Node] with AbstractSeq[Node] with Serializable
    Definition Classes
  16. def domain: List[LocalName]

    the list of names of all declarations

    the list of names of all declarations

    Definition Classes
  17. final def eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  18. def equals(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  19. def equivalentTo(that: StructuralElement): Boolean

    logically equivalent: compares headerInfo, components, and declarations

    logically equivalent: compares headerInfo, components, and declarations

    Definition Classes
  20. val feature: String

    the kind of declaration, e.g., "constant"

    the kind of declaration, e.g., "constant"

    Definition Classes
  21. def finalize(): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws( classOf[java.lang.Throwable] )
  22. def foreachComponent(f: (CPath, ComponentContainer) ⇒ Unit): Unit

    recursively applies a function to all components in this element (in declaration order)

    recursively applies a function to all components in this element (in declaration order)

    Definition Classes
  23. def foreachDeclaration(f: (ContentElement) ⇒ Unit): Unit

    recursively applies a function to all declarations in this element (in declaration order)

    recursively applies a function to all declarations in this element (in declaration order)

    Definition Classes
  24. def get(name: LocalName): Declaration
    Definition Classes
  25. def getAllIncludes: List[IncludeData]

    like getIncludes but also with includes of parametric theories and defined includes

    like getIncludes but also with includes of parametric theories and defined includes

    Definition Classes
  26. def getAllIncludesWithSelf: List[IncludeData]

    Get all transitive-reflexive inclusions.

    Get all transitive-reflexive inclusions.

    Definition Classes
  27. def getAllIncludesWithoutMeta: List[IncludeData]

    like getIncludesWithoutMeta but also with includes of parametric theories and their instantiations

    like getIncludesWithoutMeta but also with includes of parametric theories and their instantiations

    Definition Classes
  28. final def getClass(): Class[_]
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  29. def getComponent(k: ComponentKey): Option[ComponentContainer]

    returns a specific component if present

    returns a specific component if present

    Definition Classes
  30. def getComponentContext(k: ComponentKey): Context

    like getComponent but returns the additional context (in addition to the context of the element) of the component, empty by default, override as needed unspecified if the component does not exist

    like getComponent but returns the additional context (in addition to the context of the element) of the component, empty by default, override as needed unspecified if the component does not exist

    Definition Classes
  31. def getComponents: List[DeclarationComponent]

    returns all term components of this elements

    returns all term components of this elements

    Definition Classes
  32. def getConstants: List[Constant]

    convenience method to obtain all constants

    convenience method to obtain all constants

    Definition Classes
  33. def getDeclarations: List[Declaration]

    the list of declarations in narrative order, includes generated declarations

    the list of declarations in narrative order, includes generated declarations

    Definition Classes
  34. def getDeclarationsBefore(n: LocalName): List[Declaration]
    Definition Classes
  35. def getDeclarationsElaborated: List[Declaration]

    the list of declarations using elaborated declarations where possible these are: primitive elements: includes, constants other elements if they have not been fully elaborated

    the list of declarations using elaborated declarations where possible these are: primitive elements: includes, constants other elements if they have not been fully elaborated

    Definition Classes
  36. def getDerivedDeclarations(f: String): List[DerivedDeclaration]

    convenience method to obtain all derived declarations for a given feature

    convenience method to obtain all derived declarations for a given feature

    Definition Classes
  37. def getIncludes: List[MPath]

    convenience method to obtain all included theories (including a possible meta-theory)

    convenience method to obtain all included theories (including a possible meta-theory)

    Definition Classes
  38. def getIncludesWithoutMeta: List[MPath]

    convenience method to obtain all included theories (without a possible meta-theory)

    convenience method to obtain all included theories (without a possible meta-theory)

    Definition Classes
  39. def getInnerContext: Context

    the context governing the body: meta-theory, parameters, and this theory

    the context governing the body: meta-theory, parameters, and this theory

    Definition Classes
  40. def getMetaDataNode: NodeSeq
    Definition Classes
  41. def getMostSpecific(name: LocalName): Option[(Declaration, LocalName)]
    Definition Classes
  42. def getNamedStructures: List[Structure]

    convenience method to obtain all named structures

    convenience method to obtain all named structures

    Definition Classes
  43. def getO(name: LocalName): Option[Declaration]

    retrieve a declaration

    retrieve a declaration

    Definition Classes
  44. def getO(name: String): Option[Declaration]

    same as get(LocalName(name))

    same as get(LocalName(name))

    Definition Classes
  45. def getOrigin: Origin
    Definition Classes
  46. def getPrimitiveDeclarations: List[Declaration]

    the list of declarations in the order of addition, excludes generated declarations

    the list of declarations in the order of addition, excludes generated declarations

    Definition Classes
  47. def getRealizees: List[IncludeData]

    return all includes that are realizations

    return all includes that are realizations

    Definition Classes
  48. def hashCode(): Int
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  49. def headerInfo: HeaderInfo

    header information of this elements includes the MMT types (e.g., domain, codomain of links) but not the logical types of constants

    header information of this elements includes the MMT types (e.g., domain, codomain of links) but not the logical types of constants

    Definition Classes
  50. def headerNodes: Seq[Node]

    common inner nodes: definiens (metadata is part of document)

    common inner nodes: definiens (metadata is part of document)

    Definition Classes
  51. def innerNodes: NodeSeq

    getPrimitiveDeclarations, with narrative structure

    getPrimitiveDeclarations, with narrative structure

    Definition Classes
  52. def innerNodesElab: List[Node]

    getDeclarationsElaborated, without narrative structure

    getDeclarationsElaborated, without narrative structure

    Definition Classes
  53. def innerString: String

    body as a string

    body as a string

    Definition Classes
  54. def isDeclared(name: LocalName): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  55. def isEmpty: Boolean

    true iff no declarations present

    true iff no declarations present

    Definition Classes
  56. def isGenerated: Boolean
    Definition Classes
  57. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean
    Definition Classes
  58. def merge(that: StructuralElement): Unit

    merge all properties of 'that' into 'this' except for components and declarations

    merge all properties of 'that' into 'this' except for components and declarations

    Definition Classes
  59. def meta: Option[MPath]

    the meta-theory

    the meta-theory

    Definition Classes
  60. val metaC: TermContainer

    the container of the meta-theory

  61. val metadata: MetaData
    Definition Classes
  62. def modulePath: MPath

    path if seen as a module

    path if seen as a module

    Definition Classes
  63. val name: LocalName

    local name relative to the parent element or namespace

    local name relative to the parent element or namespace

    Definition Classes
  64. final def ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  65. final def notify(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  66. final def notifyAll(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  67. def outerString: String

    header as a string (without definiens)

    header as a string (without definiens)

    Definition Classes
  68. val paramC: ContextContainer
  69. def parameters: Context

    the parameters

    the parameters

    Definition Classes
  70. val parent: DPath

    the containing knowledge item, a URL if none

    the containing knowledge item, a URL if none

    Definition Classes
  71. var parentDoc: Option[DPath]
    Definition Classes
  72. def path: MPath

    the MMT URI of the element

    the MMT URI of the element

    Definition Classes
  73. def reorder(ln: LocalName): Unit

    moves a declaration to the end of its section (if the relDocHome of ln has changed, it is also moved to the new section) also moves all subsequent ln/X declarations (and updates their relDocHome)

    moves a declaration to the end of its section (if the relDocHome of ln has changed, it is also moved to the new section) also moves all subsequent ln/X declarations (and updates their relDocHome)

    Definition Classes
  74. def selfInclude: IncludeData

    Get self inclusion.

    Get self inclusion.

    Definition Classes
  75. def setOrigin(o: Origin): Unit
    Definition Classes
  76. val statements: HashMap[LocalName, Declaration]

    the set of named statements, indexed by name if a statement has an alternativeName, it occurs twice in this map

    the set of named statements, indexed by name if a statement has an alternativeName, it occurs twice in this map

    Definition Classes
  77. def streamInnerNodes(rh: RenderingHandler): Unit
    Definition Classes
  78. def superModule: Option[MPath]
    Definition Classes
  79. final def synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0
    Definition Classes
  80. def toNode(rh: RenderingHandler): Unit

    overridden for streaming

    overridden for streaming

    Definition Classes
  81. def toNode: Elem

    XML representation

    XML representation

    Definition Classes
  82. def toNodeElab: Elem
  83. def toString(): String

    outerString, definiens, innerString

    outerString, definiens, innerString

    Definition Classes
    ModuleOrLink → AnyRef → Any
  84. def toTerm: OMID

    this element as a module expression

    this element as a module expression

    Definition Classes
  85. def translate(newNS: DPath, newName: LocalName, translator: Translator, context: Context): Theory
    Definition Classes
  86. def translateDf(translator: Translator, context: Context): TermContainer
    Definition Classes
  87. def update(s: Declaration): Unit

    updates a named declaration (preserving the order)

    updates a named declaration (preserving the order)

    Definition Classes
  88. final def wait(): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  89. final def wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  90. final def wait(arg0: Long): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... ) @native()

Inherited from AbstractTheory

Inherited from Module

Inherited from ModuleOrLink

Inherited from HasDefiniens

Inherited from ContainerElement[Declaration]

Inherited from ElementContainer[Declaration]

Inherited from ContentElement

Inherited from StructuralElement

Inherited from NamedElement

Inherited from Content

Inherited from ClientProperties

Inherited from HasMetaData

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
