
package actions

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait Action extends Extension with MMTTask

    An instance of the Action class represents an atomic command that can be run by a Controller.

    An instance of the Action class represents an atomic command that can be run by a Controller.

    All Action instances are extensions and therefore have access to the Controller. (They are initialized immediately after parsing.)

    All subclasses of Action must have a companion object of type ActionCompanion that implements parsing for that action.

  2. abstract class ActionCompanion extends FormatBasedExtension

    common superclass of all companion objects of subclasses of Action

  3. case class ActionExecutionError(error: Error) extends ActionResultError with Product with Serializable
  4. trait ActionHandling extends ArchiveActionHandling with CheckActionHandling with ControlActionHandling with DefineActionHandling with ExecActionHandling with MathPathActionHandling with PrintActionHandling with LMHActionHandling

    An auxilary class to split the Controller into several files and implement the handling of Actions.

  5. case class ActionParsingError(error: ParseError) extends ActionResultError with Product with Serializable
  6. sealed abstract class ActionResult extends AnyRef

    the result of parsing and/or evaluation an action

  7. sealed abstract class ActionResultError extends ActionResult
  8. case class ActionResultOK() extends ActionResult with Product with Serializable
  9. class ActionState extends AnyRef

    the state used by ActionCompanions

  10. case class AddArchive(folder: File) extends MathPathAction with Product with Serializable
  11. case class AddExtension(cls: String, args: List[String]) extends ExtensionAction with Product with Serializable
  12. case class AddMWS(uri: URI) extends ExtensionAction with Product with Serializable
  13. case class AddMathPathFS(uri: URI, file: File) extends MathPathAction with Product with Serializable
  14. case class AddMathPathJava(javapath: File) extends MathPathAction with Product with Serializable
  15. case class AddReportHandler(h: ReportHandler) extends LoggingAction with Product with Serializable
  16. sealed abstract class ArchiveAction extends Action

    Shared base class for Actions that are related to Archives

  17. trait ArchiveActionHandling extends AnyRef

    helper functions of ArchiveActions

  18. case class ArchiveBuild(ids: List[String], dim: String, modifier: BuildTargetModifier, in: FilePath = EmptyPath) extends ArchiveAction with Product with Serializable
  19. case class ArchiveMar(id: String, file: File) extends ArchiveAction with Product with Serializable
  20. case class Check(p: Path, id: String) extends CheckAction with Product with Serializable
  21. sealed abstract class CheckAction extends Action

    shared base class for actions checking objects

  22. trait CheckActionHandling extends AnyRef

    Implements handling of CheckActions

  23. case class CheckTerm(s: String) extends CheckAction with Product with Serializable
  24. case class Compare(p: Path, r: Int) extends CheckAction with Product with Serializable
  25. case class ConfBuild(mod: String, targets: List[String], profile: String) extends ArchiveAction with Product with Serializable
  26. sealed abstract class ControlAction extends Action

    shared base class for actions controlling the shell or other actions

  27. trait ControlActionHandling extends AnyRef

    Implements handling of ControlActions

  28. case class Define(name: String) extends DefineAction with Product with Serializable
  29. sealed abstract class DefineAction extends Action

    shared base class for actions defining and using procedures

  30. trait DefineActionHandling extends AnyRef

    helper functions of DefineActions

  31. case class Defined(file: File, name: String, body: List[Action]) extends Product with Serializable

    stores a command binding done with Define

  32. case class Do(file: Option[File], name: String) extends DefineAction with Product with Serializable
  33. sealed abstract class ExecAction extends Action

    shared base class for actions related to execution of Action code

  34. trait ExecActionHandling extends AnyRef

    helper functions for ExecActions

  35. case class ExecFile(file: File, name: Option[String]) extends ExecAction with Product with Serializable

    load a file containing commands and execute them, fails on first error if any

    load a file containing commands and execute them, fails on first error if any

    concrete syntax: file file:FILE

  36. sealed abstract class ExtensionAction extends Action

    Shared base class for Actions relating to adding and removing Extensions

  37. case class GetAction(o: Output) extends Action with Product with Serializable

    Objects of type GetAction represent commands

    Objects of type GetAction represent commands

    that - retrieve knowledge items in abstract/internal syntax - post-process them to obtain concrete/external syntax - then output the concrete form in various ways.

    The concrete syntax is described by the following grammar: get ABSTRACT [CONCRETE] [OUTPUT] where ABSTRACT ::= URI | URI component STRING | URI closure | URI elaboration CONCRETE ::= present param | deps OUTPUT ::= write FILE | window | respond | CONCRETE The productions for ABSTRACT, CONCRETE, OUTPUT correspond to the instances of MakeAbstract, MakeConcrete, and Output.


    the instance of Output that executes all three steps.

  38. case class HelpAction(topic: String) extends PrintAction with Product with Serializable
  39. case class InspectDefine(name: Option[String]) extends DefineAction with ResponsiveAction with Product with Serializable
  40. sealed abstract class LMHAction extends Action

    shared base class for Actions relating to lmh (formerly oaf)

  41. trait LMHActionHandling extends AnyRef
  42. case class LMHInit(path: String, template: Option[String]) extends LMHAction with Product with Serializable
  43. case class LMHInstall(spec: List[String]) extends LMHAction with Product with Serializable
  44. case class LMHList(spec: List[String]) extends LMHAction with LocalAction with ResponsiveAction with Product with Serializable
  45. case class LMHListRemote(spec: List[String]) extends LMHAction with ResponsiveAction with Product with Serializable
  46. case class LMHOpen(id: String) extends LMHAction with Product with Serializable
  47. case class LMHPull(spec: List[String]) extends LMHAction with Product with Serializable
  48. case class LMHPush(spec: List[String]) extends LMHAction with LocalAction with Product with Serializable
  49. case class LMHSetRemote(spec: List[String]) extends LMHAction with LocalAction with Product with Serializable
  50. case class LMHUse(spec: List[String]) extends LMHAction with Product with Serializable
  51. sealed trait LocalAction extends LMHAction

    shared trait for local lmh actions

  52. sealed abstract class LoggingAction extends Action

    shared base class for actions related to logging

  53. case class LoggingOff(group: String) extends LoggingAction with Product with Serializable
  54. case class LoggingOn(group: String) extends LoggingAction with Product with Serializable
  55. case class MBT(file: File) extends ExecAction with Product with Serializable

    run an .mbt file

  56. case class MakeAction(key: String, args: List[String]) extends ArchiveAction with Product with Serializable
  57. sealed abstract class MathPathAction extends Action

    Shared base class for Actions updating the mathpath

  58. trait MathPathActionHandling extends AnyRef

    implements helper functions of MathPathActions

  59. sealed abstract class MetaAction extends Action

    Shared base class for Actions that are meta and do not actually do something

  60. case class Navigate(p: Path) extends CheckAction with Product with Serializable
  61. abstract class ObjectActionCompanion extends ActionCompanion

    convenience class for ActionCompanion objects of Actions that do not take any arguments and thus have a trivial parser

  62. sealed abstract class PrintAction extends ResponsiveAction

    Shared base class for Actions for printing something

  63. trait PrintActionHandling extends AnyRef

    utility methods for handling PrintActions

  64. case class Read(file: File, interpret: Boolean) extends MathPathAction with Product with Serializable
  65. case class RemoteAction(id: String, action: Action) extends MetaAction with Product with Serializable

    run an action on a remotely administered client

    run an action on a remotely administered client

    concrete syntax: remote id:STRING ACTION

  66. case class RemoveExtension(cls: String) extends ExtensionAction with Product with Serializable
  67. trait ResponsiveAction extends Action

    an action that responds to the user

  68. case class Scala(init: Option[String]) extends ExecAction with Product with Serializable

    run a Scala interpreter or evaluate a Scala expression

  69. sealed abstract class ServerAction extends Action

    Shared base class for Actions for controlling the webserver

  70. case class ServerOn(port: Int = 8080, bindHost: String = "") extends ServerAction with Product with Serializable
  71. case class SetBase(base: Path) extends ControlAction with Product with Serializable
  72. case class SetLMHRoot(path: String, https: Boolean) extends LMHAction with Product with Serializable
  73. sealed abstract class WindowAction extends Action

    Shared base class for Actions that are related to Windows

  74. case class WindowClose(window: String) extends WindowAction with Product with Serializable

    close a window with a given ID

    close a window with a given ID

    See ToWindow on how to open windows concrete syntax: window window:STRING close

  75. case class WindowPosition(window: String, x: Int, y: Int) extends WindowAction with Product with Serializable

    position a window with a given ID

    position a window with a given ID

    See ToWindow on how to open windows concrete syntax: window window:STRING position x:INT y:INT

Value Members

  1. object Action extends CompRegexParsers

    parsing of Actions relative to the parser provided by companion objects (of type ActionCompanion of the subclasses of Action

  2. object AddArchiveCompanion extends ActionCompanion
  3. object AddExtensionCompanion extends ActionCompanion
  4. object AddMWSCompanion extends ActionCompanion
  5. object AddMathPathFSCompanion extends ActionCompanion
  6. object AddMathPathJavaCompanion extends ActionCompanion
  7. object AddReportHandlerCompanion extends ActionCompanion
  8. object ArchiveBuildCompanion extends ActionCompanion
  9. object ArchiveMarCompanion extends ActionCompanion
  10. object CheckCompanion extends ActionCompanion
  11. object CheckTermCompanion extends ActionCompanion
  12. object Clear extends ControlAction with Product with Serializable
  13. object ClearCompanion extends ObjectActionCompanion
  14. object ClearConsole extends PrintAction with Product with Serializable

    print all loaded knowledge items to STDOUT in text syntax

  15. object ClearConsoleCompanion extends ObjectActionCompanion
  16. object CompareCompanion extends ActionCompanion
  17. object ConfBuildCompanion extends ActionCompanion
  18. object DefineCompanion extends ActionCompanion
  19. object DoCompanion extends ActionCompanion
  20. object EndDefine extends DefineAction with Product with Serializable
  21. object EndDefineCompanion extends ObjectActionCompanion
  22. object ExecFileCompanion extends ActionCompanion
  23. object Exit extends ControlAction with Product with Serializable

    release all resources and exit

    release all resources and exit

    concrete syntax: exit

  24. object ExitCompanion extends ObjectActionCompanion
  25. object FinishBuild extends ArchiveAction with ResponsiveAction with Product with Serializable
  26. object FinishBuildCompanion extends ObjectActionCompanion
  27. object GUIOff extends WindowAction with Product with Serializable

    hides the GUI window

  28. object GUIOffCompanion extends ObjectActionCompanion
  29. object GUIOn extends WindowAction with Product with Serializable

    show the GUI window

  30. object GUIOnCompanion extends ObjectActionCompanion
  31. object GetActionCompanion extends ActionCompanion
  32. object HelpActionCompanion extends ActionCompanion
  33. object InspectDefineCompanion extends ActionCompanion
  34. object LMHInitCompanion extends ActionCompanion
  35. object LMHInstallCompanion extends ActionCompanion
  36. object LMHListCompanion extends ActionCompanion
  37. object LMHListRemoteCompanion extends ActionCompanion
  38. object LMHOpenCompanion extends ActionCompanion
  39. object LMHPullCompanion extends ActionCompanion
  40. object LMHPushCompanion extends ActionCompanion
  41. object LMHSetRemoteCompanion extends ActionCompanion
  42. object LMHUseCompanion extends ActionCompanion
  43. object ListExtensions extends ExtensionAction with ResponsiveAction with Product with Serializable
  44. object ListExtensionsCompanion extends ObjectActionCompanion
  45. object ListReportGroups extends LoggingAction with ResponsiveAction with Product with Serializable
  46. object ListReportGroupsCompanion extends ObjectActionCompanion
  47. object Local extends MathPathAction with Product with Serializable
  48. object LocalCompanion extends ObjectActionCompanion
  49. object LoggingOffCompanion extends ActionCompanion
  50. object LoggingOnCompanion extends ActionCompanion
  51. object MBTCompanion extends ActionCompanion
  52. object MMTInfo extends PrintAction with Product with Serializable
  53. object MMTInfoCompanion extends ObjectActionCompanion
  54. object MMTLegal extends PrintAction with Product with Serializable
  55. object MMTLegalCompanion extends ObjectActionCompanion
  56. object MMTVersion extends PrintAction with Product with Serializable
  57. object MMTVersionCompanion extends ObjectActionCompanion
  58. object MakeActionCompanion extends ActionCompanion
  59. object NavigateCompanion extends ActionCompanion
  60. object NoAction extends MetaAction with Product with Serializable
  61. object NoActionCompanion extends ObjectActionCompanion
  62. object PrintAll extends PrintAction with Product with Serializable

    print all loaded knowledge items to STDOUT in text syntax

  63. object PrintAllCompanion extends ObjectActionCompanion
  64. object PrintAllXML extends PrintAction with Product with Serializable

    print all loaded knowledge items to STDOUT in XML syntax

  65. object PrintAllXMLCompanion extends ObjectActionCompanion
  66. object PrintConfig extends PrintAction with Product with Serializable

    print all configuration entries to STDOUT

  67. object PrintConfigCompanion extends ObjectActionCompanion
  68. object ReadCompanion extends ActionCompanion
  69. object RemoteActionCompanion extends ActionCompanion
  70. object RemoveExtensionCompanion extends ActionCompanion
  71. object ScalaCompanion extends ActionCompanion
  72. object ServerInfoAction extends ServerAction with ResponsiveAction with Product with Serializable
  73. object ServerInfoActionCompanion extends ObjectActionCompanion
  74. object ServerOff extends ServerAction with Product with Serializable
  75. object ServerOffCompanion extends ObjectActionCompanion
  76. object ServerOnCompanion extends ActionCompanion
  77. object SetBaseCompanion extends ActionCompanion
  78. object SetLMHRootCompanion extends ActionCompanion
  79. object ShowArchives extends MathPathAction with ResponsiveAction with Product with Serializable
  80. object ShowArchivesCompanion extends ObjectActionCompanion
  81. object ShowLMH extends LMHAction with ResponsiveAction with Product with Serializable
  82. object ShowLMHCompanion extends ObjectActionCompanion
  83. object WindowCloseCompanion extends ActionCompanion
  84. object WindowPositionCompanion extends ActionCompanion
