About this documentation


This repository (UniFormal/uniformal.github.io) contains:

  • The MMT homepage in the root directory’s index.html file, which serves as the main landing page. It is plain HTML and can be edited directly.
  • A wiki-style documentation for MMT including tutorials in the folder doc. This is written in markdown (.md files) and postprocessed using Jekyll into a set of static HTML pages. This postprocessing is automatically done upon every commit in the GitHub repository.

    If you want to test changes locally, you can also build and serve the documentation as follows on your local machine:

    1. Install Python and Ruby
    2. Install Pygments (a syntax highligher): python -m pip install Pygments
    3. git clone https://github.com/UniFormal/uniformal.github.io.git
    4. bundler install
    5. jekyll serve --watch (this command will tell you the URL of the locally spawned web server)

    and GitHub automatically builds (using jekyll) a set of static HTML pages after every commit.

Editing Wiki Pages

Every Wiki page contains a link for editing, which opens GitHub’s in-browser editor, which includes a previewer for the markdown syntax.

Anybody is allowed and encouraged to add and change the content and the css styles as they see fit. If you lack access rights, contact us.

Adding Wiki Pages

To add a page, simply add the necessary folders under the doc folder. You can use the existing files as a template if needed. Then add the page to the menu in _includes/menu.html.

Formatting Conventions for the Wiki

The title of each page is automatically type-set at level ##. Sections inside the page start at level ###.

Inline code, file names, etc. are type-set in back ticks. You can typeset larger code blocks as follows:

Here comes your code

Optionally, you can specify a language name after the three backticks to get syntax highlighting with Pygments:

public class ThisIsJavaCode {
  /* ... */

Have a look at the list of supported languages in the Pygments documentation (particularly their “short names”).

Additional details (footnotes, popups, etc.) that should not be visible initially are type set as HTML with css class detail .

For example, as <span class="detail">extra text</span>.

Option 1: Stay relative

Say you are editing doc/language/implicit.md and want to add a link to doc/api/queries.md (or rather: to the generated HTML page Jekyll generates for it!). Then simply do:

[my link text](../api/queries)

<!-- Discouraged: optionally with .html suffix, but clutters URIs! -->
[my link text](../api/queries)

Same for images. Note that most images are located in doc/img.

![my image alt text](../img/blah.png)

Option 2: Become absolute

Use Jekyll’s templating engine Liquid to render absolute URIs:

[my link text](https://uniformal.github.io//doc/api/queries)

<!-- Discouraged: optionally with .html suffix, but clutters URIs! -->
[my link text](https://uniformal.github.io//doc/api/queries.html

Always specify the path starting with /doc/...!

Same for images:

![my image alt text](https://uniformal.github.io//doc/img/blah.png)

Carefully read https://byparker.com/blog/2014/clearing-up-confusion-around-baseurl/.