
This document explains the general development model of MMT. Before contributing to MMT, you should read this document to understand what is going on.

Coding Style

See here for some code conventions.


Main Branches

There are three central branches:

  • master: main development line, used by developers, stable and including latest features
  • release: used by external users, very stable, occasionally merged into from master
  • devel: a branch of master that is periodically merged into master; this branch is under constant development by Florian

Every MMT archive on MathHub has two corresponding branches master and release. For testing purposes, release branches of archives are tested against the release branch of MMT, and accordingly for master branches.

Feature Branches

MMT developers typically branch for individual features from master but may sometimes have to branch from devel. Usually this involves a discussion with Florian. In particular, inexperienced contributors and developers of cutting-edge features typically have to work with devel in order to collaborate with Florian.

MMT developers merge their features into devel or master according to their own judgment. Usually this involves an informal discussion with core developers or a pull request. If they merge into master, they must also merge the resulting master into devel.

Protections and Tests

Pushes to release must pass the corresponding test(s).

Pushes to master should pass the corresponding test(s). (This ‘should’ will probably become a ‘must’ in the future.)

All three main branches are protected from force-pushes.

The sbt build file contains the following tests:

  • release/build and release/test: build certain projects and certain archives that must work in releases
  • master/build and master/test: build certain projects and certain archives that should work on the master branch

Git workflows

Making changes in MMT is possible in two different ways, through making forks and making branches. Usually you should only contribute directly to a branch if you know what you are doing.

One way of making changes is to make a fork of the repository and then create a pull request to merge the changes back into the master branch. A fork is a copy of the repository that can be used to make a changes without affecting the original code. Pull requests should only be made after the actual code compiles and should always go onto the master branch.


External contributors are welcome to create forks. However, note that the MMT license forbids distributing forked versions. Therefore, forks are only useful if they are temporary. All changes in a fork should be reintegrated with the main project as fast as possible.

Students in the MMT research group(s) should never work on a fork. Exceptions are only allowed with their advisor’s permission. Instead, they should ask for a branch to be created for them.

Pushing and Code Review

All code contributions to the MMT repository should be reviewed by one of the principal developers. For core MMT functionality, this is essentially Florian at the moment. There are two essential workflows:

  • small commits: commits that repair bugs or mildly generalize functionality must pass through the devel branch, so that Florian can see, test, and review them. Commits should be accompanied by a meaningful message that explains what this commit tries to do and what it does to achieve that.
  • large commits: introduce significant new functionality, generalize, or refactor existing functionality, and/or change APIs. Such commits must be accompanied with a MEP (MMT Extension proposal) that motivates the extended/changed functionality, details the (proposed) API changes and implementation, and discusses any invariants that are violated/required by the functionality at a level that is sufficient for MEP review by the MMT community. MEPs are usually prototyped in a feature branch. The specification can come before the implementation, or can be a result of the prototyping process. In the latter case, the MEP specification is part of the pull request that proposes to merge the functionality. In any case, the specification should be sufficient to serve as initial documentation if the MEP is accepted.

Updating the release branch

Before a release is made the version string stored in src/mmt-api/resources/versioning/system.txt should be increased appropriatly.

Once such a change has landed on master, when then again use pull requests to mark a version of MMT as a release. This time we merge from master onto release. Again go to the main repository page and select New pull request. Choose release as the base and master as the head. Now write a title as well as a description of the changes that have been made since the last merge to the release branch. Then create the pull request by clicking the “Create pull request” button.

Only repository owners and administrators can merge this pull request.

Once the travis tests have passed, the pull request can be merged by any core developer.

Making a binary release

After the release branch has been updated, a binary release should be made. For this we use GitHubs release system - all releases can be found on the MMT release page. Making a release involves two steps, making a tag and uploading a jar that can be distributed to users.

To create a new release, visit the draft a new release page. In the tag version, make sure that the target is the release branch . By convention, the name of the new tag is the MMT Version, e.g. v12.0.0 for release 12. The name should be nth Git Release (where n is increasing). Optionally, a human readable description can be written for the release. Finally, generate a fat jar locally and attach it to the release by dragging it into the attachment area below the description. Then publish the release by clicking the Publish release button.

Sources and Useful reading

In general GitHub documentation is very helpful for any general questions:

Furthermore parts of this README have been adapted from