MMT Objects

data structures objects.Obj is the top level datastructure for all objects. These are terms, variable declarations and contexts.

  • objects.Term has the following important subclasses, all of which are scala case classes:
    • OMID/OMS: OMID is the case class for references to content symbols taking a ContentPath as argument. OMS is a helper object (with convenience apply/unapply methods) for the case, where the path references a declaration, i.e. is a GlobalName.
    • OMA: OMAs represent function applications. As such, the OMA case class takes a function (Term) and the argument terms (List[Term]) as arguments.
    • OMBINDC/OMBIND: OMBINDC is the case class for complex binding terms, again with a convenience object OMBIND (for the case, where the scope of the binder is exactly one term). It wraps around the binder (Term), a context (Context, for the bound variables) and a body (Term; the scope of the binder) as arguments.
    • OMV: An OMV is a reference to a variable. The case class takes the LocalName of the referenced variable (or a string) as argument.

      OMVs can be substituted by arbitrary terms in an object. For v:OMV, t:Term and s:Obj, the expression v/t yields a Substitution of v by t, which can be applied to s with the expression s ^? (v/t).

    • OMLITTrait: the trait being used by all literals. It has a synType method that returns its syntactic type. There are two variants of OMLIT, differing mostly in their value method:
      • An OMLIT has a known [RealizedType]TODO and its value method returns the corresponding type of its semantic type (declared as Any).
      • An UnkownOMLIT** has no (yet) known semantic type - the latter is usually inferred during type checking, so this usually only occurs between parsing and checking. Its value method returns the unparsed string of the literal value.

    Many of the content objects have toTerm methods, that return the appropriate terms to reference these on the object level - usually an OMID (in the case of constants or modules), in the case of variable declarations an OMV. Similarly, terms have a toMPath method, that returns a path to a module in the case, where the term is a reference to a module (or a declaration within one).

    The class objects.Traverser can be used to perform operations recursively on a term. A good example implementation of a traverser is objects.PushMorphs.

  • objects.VarDecl: represents a variable declaration. The case class takes a name (LocalName) and optionally a type (Option[Term]), definition (Option[Term]) and notation (Option[TextNotation]) as arguments.
  • objects.Context: represents a list of variable declarations. In fact, implicit conversion methods declared in the Context companion object allow for using any instance of List[VarDecl] as a Context and the other way around.