Content Elements

data structures api.ContentElement can be roughly separated into two categories - declarations (constants and structures - includes are a special case of structures) and modules (theories and views). Both declarations can be links between two theories (structures and views) and can be a ContainerElement containing declarations (declared theories, structures and views). It provides the foreachDeclaration method that takes a function argument and applies it to all content elements recursively contained within it (including itself). The path method returns a ContentPath.


  • modules.ModuleOrLink is the trait governing all content elements that contain declarations (such as theories, views, structures). It provides the following useful methods:
    • add adds a new Declaration to the body.
    • get takes a LocalName and returns the declaration of that name. If no declaration by that name exists, it throws an error. The method getO does not, but returns an Option[Declaration] instead.
    • declares takes a LocalName and returns a bool indicating, whether a declaration by that name exists in the body.
    • delete takes a LocalName and deletes the declaration by that name from the body.
    • update takes a Declaration and adds it to the body, if no declaration by that name already exists, or replaces the existing one otherwise.
    • getDeclarations returns a List[Declaration] of all declarations in the body. All final extensions of ModuleOrLink can be declared or defined. Declared Modules/Links have no definiens and contain primitive declarations. Defined Modules/Links have a definiens (e.g. a theory expression) that can be elaborated into a list of declarations. In either case, the (primitive or elaborated) declarations are accessed via the above methods.
  • modules.Link is the trait for theory morphisms like views and structures. It has the methods from and to (returning Term) for domain and codomain, codomainAsContext and toTerm.


  • modules.Module is the top level data structure for theories and views. The path method returns MPath. DeclaredModule extends Module with a Body.
  • modules.Theory is the data structure representing theories. The class constructor takes as arguments the document/namespace containing the theory (DPath), its name (LocalName) and an optional meta theory (Option[MPath]).

    Theory provides the following useful methods:

    • getConstants yields those declarations in the body, that are constants (as List[Constant]).
    • getIncludes yields a List[MPath] of the included theories, including the meta theory. getIncludesWithoutMeta does the same without the meta theory.
    • getNamedStructures yields a List[Structure] of those structures that are not plain includes.
  • modules.View simply combines Link and Module.


  • symbols.Declaration represents everything on the declaration level - this entails constants, structures, derived declarations and nested modules. The home method returns the containing module (as Term). The path method returns GlobalName.
  • symbols.Constant represents a constant declaration. Constants are ultimately instantiated with the subclass FinalConstant. Constants use TermContainers to store their type and definiens (in their different states read, parsed and analyzed), which can be accessed by the methods tpC (for types) and dfC (for definitions). The methods tp and df circumvent the containers and directly yield their (ideally fully analyzed) type or definiens as Option[Term].

    The helper object symbols.Constant has an apply method to conveniently create new instances of FinalConstant. It takes as arguments the containing home module (Term), the name of the constant (LocalName), and optionally aliases (List[LocalName]), type (Option[Term]), definition (Option[Term]), role (Option[String]) and notation (NotationContainer, by default a new empty one).

  • symbols.Structure combines Link with Declaration. It has a boolean value isInclude signifying whether the structure is a simple theory include.

    The helper objects symbols.Structure and symbols.SimpleStructure add convenient apply/unapply methods, where Simple indicates the case where the domain is an MPath (as opposed to a complex term representing a theory expression). The helper objects symbols.Include and symbols.PlainInclude offer apply/unapply methods for theory inclusions.

Derived Content Elements