

package tiscaf

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait HApp extends AnyRef

    An application is a group of request handlers (tiscaf.HLets) sharing common behaviour.

  2. trait HLet extends AnyRef

    Handles an HTTP request and makes some computation that wil eventually termintate .

  3. trait HLoggable extends AnyRef

    The tiscaf logging API, used by tiscaf itself to log internal information.

    The tiscaf logging API, used by tiscaf itself to log internal information. It is not intended to be used by applications using tiscaf but allows for people to change the implementation by their favorite logging API. By default, messages are logged to stdout and stderr.

    The method names used do not imply that, let's say, a warning from the server internals must be a warning in the application logic. It may simply be ignored in production code and be treated as a debug message (for example, the post data was too big). The semantics of info, wraning and error is from the Http(s) connection and request handling point of view, not necessarily from an applicative point of view.

  4. trait HPartDescriptor extends AnyRef
  5. abstract class HPartsAcceptor extends AnyRef

    Accepts uploaded files with POST multiparts method.

  6. trait HReqData extends AnyRef

    Request data contains following elements:

    Request data contains following elements:

    • sent headers,
    • request method, host, port, ...
    • request parameters
    • sent bytes (in case of a POST/application/octet-stream request).
  7. trait HReqHeaderData extends AnyRef

    Contains the request header data:

    Contains the request header data:

    • request method,
    • host, port, ...
    • sent headers.
  8. trait HServer extends HLoggable

    A server provides:

    A server provides:

    • few common settings,
    • list of tiscaf.HApplications,
    • start/stop methods
  9. trait HSimpleLet extends HLet

    A simple non suspendable tiscaf.HLet

  10. trait HSslContext extends AnyRef

    tiscaf SSL context.

    tiscaf SSL context. It manages the session cache as well as SSL settings.

  11. final class HStop extends AnyRef
  12. trait HSuspendable extends AnyRef

    This computation may potentially be suspended at any moment and several times by calling the tiscaf.HSuspendableLet#suspend methods.

    This computation may potentially be suspended at any moment and several times by calling the tiscaf.HSuspendableLet#suspend methods. The computation will be resumed at this point when the tiscaf.HLet#resume method is called. The data passed to the resume method is returned by the suspend call.

  13. final class HTalk extends AnyRef

    This is the way an tiscaf.HLet accesses to the world.

    This is the way an tiscaf.HLet accesses to the world. It provides a way to access the request data, as well as a way to send response to the client.


    if the response is not chunked, nor buffered (e.g. gzipped), implementor must set the response length explicitly.

  14. trait HTree extends AnyRef

    If your application has (at least partly) tree-like structure (URI nodes correspond to request handlers), you can assign handlers to tree nodes in eyes-friendly manner:

    If your application has (at least partly) tree-like structure (URI nodes correspond to request handlers), you can assign handlers to tree nodes in eyes-friendly manner:

    object MngApp extends HApp {
      def resolve(req: HReqHeaderData): Option[HLet] = admRoot.resolve(req.uriPath)
      private lazy val bookkeepers =
        "bookkeeper" += (
          "new"  ! stub("new bookkeeper - not implemented yet"),
          "list" ! adm.bk.ListBkLet
      private lazy val admRoot =
        "adm" += ( // adm root hasn't a handler. If has: "adm" ! adm.RootLet += (
          "in" ! adm.InLet, // "domain.com/adm/in"
          "menu" ! adm.MenuLet,
          "manager" += (
            "new"  ! adm.man.NewManLet,
            "list" ! adm.man.ListManLet
      // ...
  15. class Suspended[T] extends AnyRef

Value Members

  1. object HClientAuth extends Enumeration

    Indicates whether client authentication is accepted, required, or if none is needed.

  2. object HHeaderKeys
  3. object HMime

    Known MIME types.

  4. object HReqData
  5. object HReqType extends Enumeration

    Request method type.

  6. object HResponse
  7. object HStatus extends Enumeration

    Response status codes.

  8. object HTracking extends Enumeration
  9. object HTree
