
package syntax

The classes in this package model the grammar of the PVS XML export.

They have a dual purpose * provide a Scala model of the PVS data structures * automatically induce a parser for the XML files (see syntax.makeParser).

See pvs_file and Object for the best entry points.

The reference for the XML is

Linear Supertypes
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. syntax
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class Assertion(kind: String, _formula: Expr) extends Group with Product with Serializable

    formula can have free variables

  2. sealed trait AssumingDecl extends AnyRef

    a declaration in the assumptions of a theory, essentially formal parameters of axiom flavor and some auxiliary declarations

    a declaration in the assumptions of a theory, essentially formal parameters of axiom flavor and some auxiliary declarations

    This is the same as Decl except for also allowing assumptions (= axioms).

  3. case class ChainedDecl(named: NamedDecl, chain_p: Boolean, semi_colon_p: Boolean) extends Group with Product with Serializable

    like NamedDecl but may be chained

  4. sealed trait Decl extends AssumingDecl

    a declaration in the body of theory

  5. case class DeclaredType(_declared: Type, _internal: Type) extends Group with Product with Serializable

  6. sealed trait Expr extends Object with assignment_arg
  7. sealed trait FormalParameter extends AnyRef

    a declaration in the list of parameters of a theory declaration

    a declaration in the list of parameters of a theory declaration

    This is essentially a subtype of Decl, but the Decl counterparts are general.

  8. case class InlineDatatypeBody(named: NamedDecl, arg_formals: List[bindings], _constructors: List[constructor]) extends Group with Product with Serializable

    an ADT-like datatype declared inside a theory, see also TopDatatypeBody

  9. trait Judgement extends Decl

    named theorem-flavor statement in the meta-logic

  10. trait Module extends AnyRef

    toplevel declarations

  11. case class NamedDecl(id: String, place: String, decl_formals: List[FormalParameter]) extends Group with Product with Serializable

    common parts of a named declaration in a theory

  12. case class NonEmptiness(nonempty_p: Boolean, contains: Option[Expr]) extends Group with Product with Serializable
  13. sealed trait Object extends AnyRef

    PVS objects are theories, types, and expressions

  14. case class OptNamedDecl(id: Option[String], place: String, formals: List[FormalParameter], semi_colon_p: Boolean) extends Group with Product with Serializable

    formal parameters only allowed if optional id is given

  15. sealed trait TheoryExpr extends Object

    the only theory expressions are references (names) however, those subsume instantiation of parameters and declarations

  16. case class TopDatatypeBody(named: NamedDecl, theory_formals: List[FormalParameter], importings: List[importing], _constructors: List[constructor]) extends Group with Product with Serializable

    an ADT-like datatype declared at toplevel, see also InlineDatatypeBody

    an ADT-like datatype declared at toplevel, see also InlineDatatypeBody

    for historical reasons, imports can occur separately in addition to within formals although that is redundant

  17. sealed trait Type extends Object with domain

    PVS types

  18. case class UnnamedDecl(place: String, chain_p: Boolean, semi_colon_p: Boolean) extends Group with Product with Serializable

    common parts of an unnamed declaration in a theory

  19. case class accessor(named: NamedDecl, _type: Type) extends Product with Serializable
  20. case class application(place: String, _fun: Expr, _arg: Expr, infix: Boolean) extends Expr with Product with Serializable

    function application

  21. case class application_judgement(named: OptNamedDecl, _name: name_expr, arg_formals: List[bindings], tp: DeclaredType) extends Judgement with Product with Serializable

    p: |- name(arg_formals) : A

  22. case class assignment(place: String, assignment_args: List[assignment_arg], _expr: Expr) extends update_assignment with Product with Serializable
  23. sealed trait assignment_arg extends AnyRef

  24. case class assumption(named: ChainedDecl, assertion: Assertion) extends AssumingDecl with Product with Serializable

    a: F for a formula F (semantically, an axiom in the list of formal parameters, becomes tcc when instantiating the theory)

  25. case class auto_rewrite(unnamed: UnnamedDecl, key: String, kind: String, _rewrite_name: List[rewrite_name]) extends Decl with Product with Serializable

    name of a formula that is loaded as a conditional rewrite rule

  26. case class axiom_decl(named: ChainedDecl, assertion: Assertion) extends Decl with Product with Serializable

    a: F for a formula F

  27. case class binding(id: String, named: ChainedDecl, _type: Type) extends domain with Product with Serializable
  28. case class bindings(_bindings: List[binding]) extends Product with Serializable

    list of variable bindings

  29. case class cases_expr(place: String, _expr: Expr, _selections: List[selection]) extends Expr with Product with Serializable

    one-level pattern matching of an expression against a list of cases

  30. case class codatatype(body: TopDatatypeBody) extends Module with Product with Serializable

    a top-level datatype with greatest fixed point semantics

  31. case class coercion_expr(place: String, _of: Expr, _to: Type) extends Expr with Product with Serializable

    (a :: A), coerce a to A, which must be compatible with the type of a

  32. case class coind_decl(named: NamedDecl, arg_formals: List[bindings], tp: DeclaredType, _body: Expr) extends Decl with Product with Serializable

    coinductive definition

  33. case class cond(_if: Expr, _then: Expr) extends Product with Serializable

    if -> then (case in a condition expression)

  34. case class cond_expr(place: String, conditions: List[cond]) extends Expr with Product with Serializable

    condition expression, i.e., if-expression with multiple cases (checked for disjointness and exhaustiveness)

  35. case class const_decl(named: ChainedDecl, arg_formals: List[bindings], tp: DeclaredType, _def: Option[Expr]) extends Decl with Product with Serializable

    c(G) : A [= t]

  36. case class constructor(named: NamedDecl, ordnum: Int, accessors: List[accessor], recognizer: String, subtype_id: Option[String]) extends Product with Serializable

    constructor of an inductive data type

    constructor of an inductive data type


    constructors are numbered consecutively for convenience

  37. case class conversion_decl(unnamed: UnnamedDecl, kind: String, _expr: Expr) extends Decl with Product with Serializable

    conversion f (makes f an implicit conversion)

  38. case class cotuple_type(place: String, _arguments: List[Type]) extends Type with Product with Serializable

    A1 + ...

    A1 + ... + An

  39. case class datatype(body: TopDatatypeBody) extends Module with Product with Serializable

    a top-level datatype with least fixed point semantics

  40. case class declref(href: String) extends Product with Serializable

    attempt to represent pointers a xlinks; changed to integer-index in list of overloaded id in that theory

  41. case class def_decl(named: ChainedDecl, arg_formals: List[bindings], tp: DeclaredType, _def: Expr, _measure: Option[Expr], _order: Option[Expr]) extends Decl with Product with Serializable

    c(G) : A [= t] where c is a recursive function

  42. sealed trait domain extends AnyRef

    A domain is a type, possibly binding a variable

    A domain is a type, possibly binding a variable

    Its two cases unify the simple and dependent cases of product and function types

    The only way to create dependent types is via predicate subtypes (including declared ones).

  43. case class enumtype_decl(named: NamedDecl, enum_elts: List[id]) extends Decl with Product with Serializable
  44. case class exists_expr(place: String, bindings: List[binding], _body: Expr) extends Expr with Product with Serializable

    existential quantifier

  45. case class exporting(place: String, exporting_kind: String, exporting_names_: exporting_names, exporting_but_names_: exporting_names, exporting_theory_names: List[theory_name]) extends Product with Serializable
  46. case class exporting_names(name: List[name]) extends Group with Product with Serializable
  47. case class expr_as_type(place: String, _expr: Expr, _type: Option[Type]) extends Type with Product with Serializable

    (p): type, for a predicate p: _type = a => bool; _

  48. case class expr_judgement(named: OptNamedDecl, bindings: List[binding], _expr: Expr, tp: DeclaredType) extends Judgement with Product with Serializable

    p: |- t: A (some limitations on t)

  49. case class field_appl_expr(place: String, id: String, _expr: Expr) extends Expr with Product with Serializable

    named projection from a record

  50. case class field_assign(place: String, id: String) extends assignment_arg with Product with Serializable
  51. case class field_decl(named: NamedDecl, _type: Type) extends Product with Serializable
  52. case class forall_expr(place: String, bindings: List[binding], _body: Expr) extends Expr with Product with Serializable

    universal quantifier

  53. case class formal_const_decl(named: ChainedDecl, tp: DeclaredType) extends FormalParameter with Product with Serializable

    typed constant -- c:A for a type A

  54. case class formal_subtype_decl(named: ChainedDecl, ne: NonEmptiness, _sup: Type, _pred: const_decl) extends FormalParameter with Product with Serializable

    type with given supertype -- a TYPE FROM A for a type A

  55. case class formal_theory_decl(named: ChainedDecl, _name: theory_name) extends FormalParameter with Product with Serializable

    model of a theory -- m: T for a theory T

  56. case class formal_type_decl(named: ChainedDecl, ne: NonEmptiness) extends FormalParameter with Product with Serializable

    type -- a TYPE

  57. case class formula_decl(named: ChainedDecl, assertion: Assertion) extends Decl with Product with Serializable

    a: F for a formula F (has proof, which is not exported)

  58. case class function_type(place: String, _from: domain, _to: Type) extends Type with Product with Serializable

    A -> B or (x:A) -> B

  59. case class id(_id: String) extends Product with Serializable
  60. case class if_expr(place: String, _if: Expr, _then: Expr, _else: Expr) extends Expr with Product with Serializable

    if-then-else expression

  61. case class importing(unnamed: UnnamedDecl, _name: theory_name) extends Decl with FormalParameter with Product with Serializable

    include T, can occur in formal parameters without semantic change in case parameters already need included declarations

  62. case class ind_decl(named: NamedDecl, arg_formals: List[bindings], tp: DeclaredType, _body: Expr) extends Decl with Product with Serializable

    inductive definition

  63. case class inline_codatatype(body: InlineDatatypeBody) extends Decl with Product with Serializable

    an inline ADT with greatest fixed point semantics

  64. case class inline_datatype(body: InlineDatatypeBody) extends Decl with Product with Serializable

    an inline ADT with least fixed point semantics

  65. case class lambda_expr(place: String, bindings: List[binding], _body: Expr) extends Expr with Product with Serializable

    lambda abstraction

  66. case class let_binding(named: ChainedDecl, _type: Type, _expr: Expr) extends Product with Serializable
  67. case class let_expr(place: String, let_bindings: List[let_binding], _body: Expr) extends Expr with Product with Serializable

    let expression

  68. case class lib_decl(id: String, unnamed: UnnamedDecl, library: String) extends Decl with Product with Serializable

    assigns a short name to a library (= folder)

  69. case class list_expr(place: String, _arguments: List[Expr]) extends Expr with Product with Serializable


  70. case class macro_decl(named: ChainedDecl, arg_formals: List[bindings], tp: DeclaredType, _def: Option[Expr]) extends Decl with Product with Serializable

    defined constant that is always expanded

  71. case class maplet(place: String, assignment_args: List[assignment_arg], _expr: Expr) extends update_assignment with Product with Serializable
  72. sealed trait mapping extends AnyRef

    superclass of instantiations and renaming when forming theories

  73. case class mapping_rename(mapping_rhs: name, mapping_lhs: Object) extends mapping with Product with Serializable

    c ~> c'

  74. case class mapping_subst(mapping_rhs: name, mapping_lhs: Object) extends mapping with Product with Serializable

    c := c'

  75. case class name(id: String, theory_id: String, library_id: String, mappings: List[mapping], target: Option[theory_name], actuals: List[Object], dactuals: List[Object]) extends Group with Product with Serializable

    user-provided reference to a symbol

    user-provided reference to a symbol


    theory name


    library (in particular, as declared by lib_decl)


    instantiations/renaming for


    abbreviation for substituting a set of names at once by the declarations of the same local name in a different theory


    instantiations for the formal parameters (positional, full)

  76. case class name_expr(place: String, name: name, _type: Option[Type], _resolution: resolution) extends Expr with Product with Serializable

    reference to a declared name

    reference to a declared name


    the user-provided reference


    the type disambiguating overloading (can be computed from resolution)

  77. case class name_judgement(named: OptNamedDecl, _name: name_expr, tp: DeclaredType) extends Judgement with Product with Serializable

    p: |- name: A (special case of expr_judgement)

  78. case class number_expr(place: String, _num: BigInt) extends Expr with Product with Serializable

    number literal

  79. case class number_judgement(named: OptNamedDecl, _number: number_expr, tp: DeclaredType) extends Judgement with Product with Serializable

    p: |- number: A (special case of expr_judgement)

  80. case class proj_appl_expr(place: String, _expr: Expr, index: Int) extends Expr with Product with Serializable

    n-th projection applied to an argument

  81. case class proj_assign(place: String, _index: Int) extends assignment_arg with Product with Serializable
  82. case class proj_expr(place: String, _index: Int) extends Expr with Product with Serializable

    n-th projection (as a polymorphic function, turned into lambda with fresh type variable by type checker)

  83. case class pvs_file(_modules: List[Module]) extends Product with Serializable

    a pvs file containing some modules

  84. case class rational_expr(place: String, _s: String) extends Expr with Product with Serializable

    rational literal

  85. case class record_expr(place: String, _assignments: List[assignment]) extends Expr with Product with Serializable


  86. case class record_type(place: String, _fields: List[field_decl]) extends Type with Product with Serializable

    {f1:A1, ..., fn: An}

  87. case class resolution(_theory: theory_name, index: Int) extends Product with Serializable

    internal resolution of an overloaded declaration (including formal parameters) of a theory

    internal resolution of an overloaded declaration (including formal parameters) of a theory


    the position in the list of overloaded declarations in that theory, starting from 0

  88. case class rewrite_name(place: String, kind: Option[String], name: name, _res: Option[resolution], _spec: Option[rewrite_name_spec]) extends Product with Serializable

    reference to a formula that is to be used in rewriting

  89. case class rewrite_name_spec() extends Product with Serializable

    user-provided information for disambiguation in a rewrite_name

  90. case class selection(place: String, _cons: name_expr, bindings: List[binding], _expr: Expr) extends Product with Serializable

    case in a case expression -- cons(bindings) : _expr

  91. case class set_expr(place: String, bindings: List[binding], _body: Expr) extends Expr with Product with Serializable

    equal to lambda, convenience for using predicates as (expression-level) sets

  92. case class setsubtype(place: String, _type: Type, _by: Expr) extends Type with Product with Serializable

    predicate subtype -- A|F, e.g., A | lambda x:A|F

  93. case class string_expr(place: String, _str: String) extends Expr with Product with Serializable

    string literal

  94. case class subtype_judgement(named: OptNamedDecl, sub: DeclaredType, sup: DeclaredType) extends Judgement with Product with Serializable

    p: |- A <: B

  95. case class table_expr(place: String) extends Expr with Product with Serializable

    table expressions, similar to 2-dimensional arrays

  96. case class tcc_decl(named: ChainedDecl, assertion: Assertion) extends Decl with Product with Serializable

    a: F for a formula (for a proof obligation, prepended to a declaration by the type checker)

  97. case class theory(named: NamedDecl, theory_formals: List[FormalParameter], assuming: List[AssumingDecl], exporting_: Option[exporting], _decls: List[Decl]) extends Module with Product with Serializable
  98. case class theory_decl(named: ChainedDecl, _domain: theory_name) extends Decl with Product with Serializable

    named import (parameters, instantiations, and renamings are part of the name); rnc to be revisited

  99. case class theory_name(place: String, id: String, library_id: String, mappings: List[mapping], target: Option[theory_name], actuals: List[Object], dactuals: List[Object]) extends TheoryExpr with Product with Serializable

    user-provided reference to a module

    user-provided reference to a module


    theory name


    library (in particular, as declared by lib_decl)


    instantiations/renaming for

  100. case class tuple_expr(place: String, _arguments: List[Expr]) extends Expr with Product with Serializable


  101. case class tuple_type(place: String, _domains: List[domain]) extends Type with Product with Serializable

    flexary, possibly dependent product -- e.g., A1 * (x2:A2) * ...

    flexary, possibly dependent product -- e.g., A1 * (x2:A2) * ... * An

  102. case class type_application(place: String, _type: type_name, _arguments: List[Expr]) extends Type with Product with Serializable


  103. case class type_decl(named: ChainedDecl, nonempty_p: Boolean) extends Decl with Product with Serializable

    a TYPE (may be asserted to be non-empty

  104. case class type_def_decl(named: NamedDecl, ne: NonEmptiness, arg_formals: List[bindings], df: DeclaredType) extends Decl with Product with Serializable

    a(arg_formals) TYPE = A (defined types may be dependent)

  105. case class type_extension(place: String, _type: Type, _by: Type) extends Type with Product with Serializable
  106. case class type_from_decl(named: ChainedDecl, nonempty_p: Boolean, tp: DeclaredType) extends Decl with Product with Serializable

    a TYPE FROM A (a is subtype of A)

  107. case class type_name(place: String, name: name, _res: Option[resolution]) extends Type with Product with Serializable


  108. sealed trait update_assignment extends AnyRef
  109. case class update_expr(place: String, _exp: Expr, assignments: List[update_assignment]) extends Expr with Product with Serializable

    change value in a tuple, record, or function

  110. case class var_decl(id: String, unnamed: UnnamedDecl, tp: DeclaredType) extends Decl with Product with Serializable

    x: A (declares type of future variables)

  111. case class varname_expr(place: String, id: String, _type: Type) extends Expr with Product with Serializable

Value Members

  1. def makeParser: XMLToScala


    a parser that takes PVS XML and returns classes in this package The parser uses info.kwarc.mmt.api.utils.XMLToScala. That means the parser does not have to be changed if the classes in this package are changed. Instead, the parser is generated automatically using Scala reflection, i.e., the classes in this package define the grammar of the parser.

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
