
package Protocol

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class ClientVersionExpected extends ProtocolError
  2. case class OpenMathError(s: String) extends ProtocolError with Product with Serializable
  3. class ProtocolError extends Exception

    Common class for all exceptions based on SCSCP

  4. sealed case class SCSCPCall(procedure: OMSymbol, arguments: SCSCPCallArguments, parameters: OMExpression*) extends Product with Serializable
  5. sealed case class SCSCPCallArguments(call_id: String, return_method: Option[SCSCPReturnMethod], others: OMAttributionPairs) extends Product with Serializable

    Represents options that can be parsed to a computation request

    Represents options that can be parsed to a computation request


    Call Identifier


    Method of return


    Other system-specific options captured by an OMAttribution call

  6. case class SCSCPNothingReturned(attributes: OMAttributionPairs) extends SCSCPResult with Product with Serializable

    A result that indicates that the computation was completed, but there is nothing (to be) returned

    A result that indicates that the computation was completed, but there is nothing (to be) returned


    Attributes representing this result

  7. case class SCSCPObjectReturned(result: OMExpression, attributes: OMAttributionPairs) extends SCSCPResult with Product with Serializable

    A Result that returns the object computed

    A Result that returns the object computed


    Expression that has been returned


    Attributes representing this result

  8. case class SCSCPObjectStored(omr: OMReference, attributes: OMAttributionPairs) extends SCSCPResult with Product with Serializable

    A Result that stores the result object on the server

    A Result that stores the result object on the server


    Reference to the object on the server


    Attributes representing this result

  9. sealed abstract class SCSCPResult extends AnyRef

    Represents a result returned by an SCSCPConnection

  10. sealed abstract class SCSCPReturnMethod extends AnyRef
  11. case class SCSCPTerminated(error: OMError, attributes: OMAttributionPairs) extends SCSCPResult with Product with Serializable

    A Result that indicates that the computation has been aborted prematurely

    A Result that indicates that the computation has been aborted prematurely


    OMError object describing the error in more detail


    Attributes representing this result

  12. class UnknownProcessingInstruction extends ProtocolError
  13. class UnsupportedProtocolVersion extends ProtocolError
  14. class VersionEchoExpected extends ProtocolError

Value Members

  1. object SCSCPAttributes

    All attributes used in the SCSCP Protocol

  2. object SCSCPCall extends Serializable
  3. object SCSCPCallArguments extends Serializable
  4. object SCSCPConstants

    All constants related to SCSCP

  5. object SCSCPMessageKeys

    Keys for all messages in the SCSCP Protocol

  6. object SCSCPResult
  7. object SCSCPReturnCookie extends SCSCPReturnMethod with Product with Serializable
  8. object SCSCPReturnNothing extends SCSCPReturnMethod with Product with Serializable
  9. object SCSCPReturnObject extends SCSCPReturnMethod with Product with Serializable
