
package diagdefinition

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class DiagramDefinition extends ModuleLevelFeature

    Structural Feature for Diagram Operators

    Structural Feature for Diagram Operators

    1. theory Empty = ❚ diagram Collection := ?Empty EXTEND { coll : type ⟶ type } ❚ It expects an AnonymousDiagramCombinator as its (normalized) definiens and then lifts the produced AnonymousDiagram to the usual named space of MMT things. For each node and arrow in the AnonymousDiagram, it is checked whether the LocalName of that diagram element is an Common.ExistingName. If not, it is added to the "outer namespace" (i.e. the DPath of the document containing that diagram declaration) with the same local name.

Value Members

  1. object DiagramDefinition
