package library

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait GraphServer extends AnyRef
  2. sealed trait IAPIObjectItem extends IResponse

    Any object exposed by the API

  3. case class IArchive(parent: Some[IGroupRef], id: String, name: String, statistics: Option[List[IStatistic]], title: HTML, teaser: HTML, tags: List[ITagRef], version: Option[String], description: HTML, responsible: List[String], narrativeRoot: IDocument) extends IArchiveItem with IReferencable with Product with Serializable

    a full description of a MathHub Archive

  4. sealed trait IArchiveItem extends IAPIObjectItem
  5. case class IArchiveRef(parent: Some[IGroupRef], id: String, name: String, title: HTML, teaser: HTML) extends IArchiveItem with IReference with IDocumentParentRef with IHubReference with Product with Serializable

    a reference to a MathHub Archive

  6. case class IComponent(name: String, component: String, containerValue: String) extends IResponse with Product with Serializable
  7. case class IConstant(id: URI, name: String, parent: Some[IModuleRef], statistics: Option[List[IStatistic]], declarations: List[IDeclarationRef], components: List[IComponent], role: Option[String], alias: List[String]) extends IDeclaration with Product with Serializable

    a description of a constant

  8. sealed trait IDeclaration extends IDeclarationItem with IReferencable

    an actual declaration, i.e.

    an actual declaration, i.e. a structure, rule, ruleconstant or nested

  9. sealed trait IDeclarationItem extends IAPIObjectItem
  10. case class IDeclarationRef(id: String, name: String, parent: Some[IModuleRef], declaration: String) extends IDeclarationItem with IReference with INarrativeElement with Product with Serializable

    a reference to a module

  11. case class IDocument(parent: Some[IDocumentParentRef], id: URI, name: String, tags: List[String], sourceRef: Option[ISourceReference], statistics: Option[List[IStatistic]], declarations: List[INarrativeElement]) extends IDocumentItem with IReferencable with INarrativeElement with Product with Serializable

    a document of content

  12. sealed trait IDocumentItem extends IAPIObjectItem
  13. sealed trait IDocumentParentRef extends IReference

    anything that can be the parent of a document

  14. case class IDocumentRef(parent: Some[IDocumentParentRef], id: URI, name: String) extends IDocumentItem with IReference with IDocumentParentRef with INarrativeElement with Product with Serializable

    a reference to a document

  15. case class IGroup(id: String, name: String, statistics: Option[List[IStatistic]], title: HTML, teaser: HTML, description: HTML, responsible: List[String], declarations: List[IArchiveRef]) extends IGroupItem with IReferencable with Product with Serializable

    a full description of a MathHub Group

  16. sealed trait IGroupItem extends IAPIObjectItem
  17. case class IGroupRef(id: String, name: String, title: HTML, teaser: HTML) extends IGroupItem with IReference with IHubReference with Product with Serializable

    a reference to a MathHub Archive

  18. sealed trait IHubReference extends IReference

    an archive or a group reference

  19. case class IMMTVersionInfo(versionNumber: String, buildDate: Option[String]) extends IResponse with Product with Serializable

    a version information about MMT

  20. sealed trait IModule extends IModuleItem with IReferencable

    an actual module, i.e.

    an actual module, i.e. a theory or a view

  21. sealed trait IModuleItem extends IAPIObjectItem
  22. case class IModuleRef(id: String, name: String) extends IModuleItem with IReference with INarrativeElement with Product with Serializable

    a reference to a module

  23. sealed trait INarrativeElement extends IAPIObjectItem

    a narrative element inside an archive

  24. case class INestedModule(id: URI, name: String, parent: Some[IModuleRef], statistics: Option[List[IStatistic]], declarations: List[IDeclarationRef], components: List[IComponent], mod: IModuleRef) extends IDeclaration with Product with Serializable

    a description of a nested module

  25. case class IOpaqueElement(parent: Some[IDocumentRef], id: String, name: String, statistics: Option[List[IStatistic]], contentFormat: String, content: String) extends IOpaqueElementItem with IReferencable with INarrativeElement with Product with Serializable

    an opaque element

  26. sealed trait IOpaqueElementItem extends IAPIObjectItem
  27. case class IOpaqueElementRef(parent: Some[IDocumentRef], id: String, name: String) extends IOpaqueElementItem with IReference with Product with Serializable

    a reference to an opaque element

  28. sealed trait IReferencable extends IAPIObjectItem

    any object that is referencable

  29. sealed trait IReference extends IAPIObjectItem

    any concrete reference

  30. sealed trait IResponse extends AnyRef

    anything returned by the API

  31. case class IRule(id: URI, name: String, parent: Some[IModuleRef], statistics: Option[List[IStatistic]], declarations: List[IDeclarationRef], components: List[IComponent]) extends IDeclaration with Product with Serializable

    a description of a rule

  32. case class ISourceReference(parent: IHubReference, version: Option[String], path: Option[String]) extends IResponse with Product with Serializable
  33. case class IStatistic(key: String, value: Int) extends IResponse with Product with Serializable
  34. case class IStructure(id: URI, name: String, parent: Some[IModuleRef], statistics: Option[List[IStatistic]], declarations: List[IDeclarationRef], components: List[IComponent], isImplicit: Boolean, isInclude: Boolean) extends IDeclaration with Product with Serializable

    a description of a structure

  35. case class ITag(id: String, name: String, statistics: Option[List[IStatistic]], declarations: List[IArchiveRef]) extends ITagItem with IReferencable with Product with Serializable

    a full description of a MathHub Group

  36. sealed trait ITagItem extends IAPIObjectItem
  37. case class ITagRef(id: String, name: String) extends ITagItem with IReference with Product with Serializable

    a reference to a MathHub Archive

  38. case class ITheory(id: URI, name: String, statistics: Option[List[IStatistic]], declarations: List[IDeclarationRef], meta: Option[IModuleRef]) extends IModule with Product with Serializable

    a description of a theory

  39. case class IView(id: URI, name: String, statistics: Option[List[IStatistic]], declarations: List[IDeclarationRef], domain: IModuleRef, codomain: IModuleRef) extends IModule with Product with Serializable

    a description of a view

  40. trait LibraryServer extends ChangeListener

Value Members

  1. object IAPIObjectItem
  2. object IDocument extends Serializable
