In this tutorial, we build an implementation of first-order logic (FOL) in MMT. The complete files built interactively in this tutorial can be found at (which is automatically cloned when installing MMT).
It assumes that
,The MMT installer should take care of this Actually, we will skip this step for now because only advanced users need to define their own meta-logic.
Instead, we can choose one of the meta-logics already defined in MMT.
The most important example is the logical framework LF, whose MMT URI is
This theory is defined in the archive MMT/urtheories, which is automatically cloned into the folder CONTENT when setting up MMT.
Other important meta-logics defined in this archive include
extends LF with shallow polymorphism
, which extends LF with a rewrite systemThese can also be combined.
For FOL, LF is sufficient as a meta-logic.
We create a new file fol.mmt
, in which we will define FOL.
It does not matter where this file is located. But to allow for running MMT build targets over it later, it is convenient to place it in a new MMT archive:
create a file MANIFEST.MF
in it containing (at least) the lines
id: myarchive
in itThe id is some string that is used to refer to the archive. The narration base is some URI that is used as the default namespace for forming unique identifiers for the content of the archive.
Open the file in jEdit and create an empty theory:
namespace [GS]
theory FOL : =
declaration defines a unique namespace (a URI) for our example.The URI does not have to be a URL, i.e., it does not have to point to a physical location. It only acts as a unique identifier.theory
introduces an MMT theory called FOL
with meta-theory
.Alternatively, we can write ur:?LF
because the namespace prefix definition import ur [GS]
is implicitly present.[GS]
refers to ASCII 29, the toplevel delimiter used by MMT.
In jEdit, it can be inserted via the symbol button for it or by typing jGS
.From this point on forwards, defining a language proceeds according to LF.
The details of doing so are given in the self-documenting mmt files in the archive CONTENT/MMT/examples
, which has been cloned automatically when setting up MMT.
It contains the full definition of FOL
in the file tutorial/1-sfol.mmt
To complete this step of the tutorial, copy over the declarations in this file step by step.
(Note that this tutorial makes you use a different namespace than the that file. That’s important to make sure all declarations have unique URIs.)
To insert Unicode symbols, you can use LaTeX commands with j instead of .
For example, jrightarrow
inserts \rightarrow
. And because that one is so important, jra
is a shortcut for it.
The complete list of preconfigured abbreviations can be found in the section Abbreviations
of the jEdit settings.
We can start the MMT web server from within jEdit to view our definition in the browser:
as the console languageserver on 8080
in the console (or some other port number)To build your archive, use the command build myarchive mmt-omdoc fol.mmt
. This will build all mmt
files in your archive and convert them into omdoc
(which is the XML format that MMT uses internally, corresponding to the binary files produced by a compiler).
The omdoc
files are put into the folders narration
(one omdoc
file per source file) and content
(one omdoc
file per module in those source files).
Additionally, index files for fast querying are placed in the folder relational
You can build the archive from within jEdit (by using the jEdit console as above).
Alternatively, you can build it directly from the MMT shell without involving jEdit.
Start the shell by running mmt.jar
Then type
build myarchive mmt-omdoc fol.mmt
server on 8081
The shell is completely independent from jEdit (but works with the same archives). Therefore, we use a different port number above.
Eventually, you can leave the shell by typing exit
We can now apply our defined system to formalize some knowledge. We pick algebra as an example.
Create a file algebra.mmt
in your archive and put
namespace [GS]
theory Semigroup : ?FOL =
This creates a new theory for semigroups, this time using our new theory FOL
as the meta-theory.
Because both theories are in the same namespace, we can use a relative URI to refer to
As for FOL
, we do not give the details of the formalization here.
Instead, we refer to the self-documenting file tutorial/2-algebra.mmt
in the archive CONTENT/MMT/examples
Like before, you can now
build myarchive mmt-omdoc algebra.mmt
server on 8081