MMT Docker

The MMT Repository contains a Dockerfile for MMT. It is published as kwarc/mmt under DockerHub and is an Automated Build.

Getting started

To start a temporary container with permanent volume for MMT content, use:

    docker run --rm -v mmt:/content/ -p 8080:8080 -t -i kwarc/mmt

This will run the newest MMT.jar and store all archives inside a new volume called mmt mounted under /content/. The command can be run multiple times to (re-)start the container if neccessary.


Inside the Image, the mmt.jar is stored under /root/MMT/deploy/mmt.jar. Because of the default MMT file structure, this means that MMT expects archives under /root/content/MathHub and a configuration file under /root/MMT/mmtrc.

To this end, a docker volume is mounted under /config/. The /root/content folder is symlinked to it. Furthermore, /root/MMT/mmtrc is symlinked to /content/mmtrc.

This means when the above command is run the first time, and the volume is empty, it will run the setup routine. All defaults can be accepted by the user as-is and a configuration file will be created. Note that JEdit is not supported, and by accepting defaults, MMT will skip the JEdit Install Step.

When re-creating the container with the same mounted volume, MMT will from then onwards automatically use the stored configuration. Furthermore, it can be changed manually as desired by the end user, by editing the mmtrc file.

Running custom commands

By default, when the container is run with no arguments, it will simply start the MMT jar. To override this behaviour, and e.g. start the MMT Server on port 8080 use the following command:

    docker run --rm -v mmt:/content/ -p 8080:8080 -t -i kwarc/mmt -i "server on 8080"


Because of the way docker works, any server running inside the docker container (including the MMT webserver) can not simply bind to localhost. This means that running server on 8080 from the MMT shell has no effect. Instead, server on 8080 should be used.

Image Tags

  • kwarc/mmt:release The latest released version of MMT. Corresponds to the release branch.
  • kwarc/mmt:latest: The latest working version of MMT. Corresponds to the master branch.
  • kwarc/mmt:devel: The latest compiling version of MMT. Corresponds to the devel branch and may have several unfixed bugs.
  • kwarc/mmt:release_10: MMT Release 10