Integration with sTeX

MMT can process .tex file using or pdflatex. (So MMT will replace or will be used within

.tex input file are expected to be below a source folder that is underneath a repository folder (i.e. sets) that is underneath a group folder (i.e. smglom). Let’s assume that the directory containing group folders is called MathHub and its parent folder localmh (as it was the case for lmh from

An executable for MMT may be obtained by downloading

The LaTeXML software needed by MMT is expected to be in the folder localmh/ext (as for lmh).

The most convenient way to call MMT is using rbuild followed by a build target (like latexml) and a list of files or folders (relativ to your current directory).

mmt.jar rbuild latexml --force MathHub/smglom/mv/source/a*.tex

This automatically loads the necessary extensions and archives and also switches on some logging. Furthermore, rbuild supports compound (or meta) targets, namely plain targets separated by underscores that will be executed in succession. Running latexml followed by stex-omdoc will be done by latexml_stex-omdoc. (Any combination is possible.)

Any target may be followed by a modifier. Apart from --force also --onChange, --onError and --clean are supported. Omitting the modifier defaults to --onChange, i.e. files are only rebuild if they have changed on disk after an earlier build. (--onError rebuilds if the previous build failed with an error.)

Further options (starting with --) are passed (unchecked) to the corresponding target implementation. An option for latexml and pdflatex is i.e. --piper-worker-output.

The following text only describes the more complicated way to call MMT (without compound targets) and can be skipped on first reading.

Within a repository folder (like smglom/sets from mmt.jar can be called with the two arguments file and build.msl, where build.msl is a file containing something like:

log console
log+ latexml
extension info.kwarc.mmt.stex.LaTeXML
archive add .
build smglom/sets latexml

If the relative file name (below source) is omitted (or . is given) then (currently) all files below source will be processed.

Note that the identifier smglom/sets following the keyword build must correspond to the id entry of the file META-INF/MANIFEST.MF.

To only see minimal output you may use the following log lines:

log- user
log- error
log console
log+ latexml-result 

A current alternative way to call MMT without build.msl file is to pass the lines separated by ` ; ` as a single command line argument in double quotes, i.e. without output:

mmt.jar "extension info.kwarc.mmt.stex.LaTeXML ; archive add . ; build smglom/sets latexml"

Note the spaces around ` ; `!

Further extensions are info.kwarc.mmt.stex.PdfLatex and info.kwarc.mmt.stex.SmsGenerator with corresponding build targets pdflatex and sms (instead of the above latexml).

The extension info.kwarc.mmt.stex.STeXImporter with target stex-omdoc further processes the .omdoc files created by LaTeXML for MMT.

Setting logging, extensions or environment variables can be done in a startup.msl file that needs to be in the same folder where your mmt.jar is (actually) located (not where a link to mmt.jar is given).

MMT places the output files for latexml in a separate folder called latexml. .sms files remain in source whereas .pdf files will be placed in folder export/pdflatex (without any auxiliary files).