Basic Query Examples with the MMT API

This document shows several query examples. It is assumed that you know how to incorporate the code snippets into your code, otherwise see the getting started with the MMT API tutorial. Especially, the archives you are querying from need to have been built beforehand and their relational information read. This is explained in the tutorial and most importantly its accompanying code as well.

I Listing all declarations of a theory

Expanding on the code above:

val boolTheory = ctrl.get(DPath(URI("")) ? "Bool")
boolTheory.getDeclarations foreach println

First, we have to query our desired theory by its path. We got path used above from the console output of the last example. The document MMT URIs features more information on these URIs/paths.

II Getting a specific declaration of a theory

val boolTheory = ctrl.get(DPath(URI("")) ? "Bool")
val falseSymbol = boolTheory.path.asInstanceOf[MPath] ? "FALSE"


III Getting all theories included/imported by theory X

  • Includes: S ~ T in the relation iff. S contains include T.
  • RelationExp.HasStructureFrom: S ~ T iff. S contains structure T.
  • Both: RelationExp.Imports: S ~ T in the relation iff. S imports (i.e. includes/structures from) T.
val boolTheoryPath = DPath(URI("")) ? "Bool"

// only inclusions
ctrl.depstore.querySet(boolTheoryPath, Includes)

// only structures
ctrl.depstore.querySet(boolTheoryPath, RelationExp.HasStructureFrom)

// both
ctrl.depstore.querySet(boolTheoryPath, RelationExp.Imports)

// Hint: RelationExp.Imports is defined as
RelationExp.Imports = Choice(+Includes, RelationExp.HasStructureFrom)
// Choice builds the union of both relations
// TODO: Explain the relevance of +.

Output of the import query above:


IV Getting all theories including theory X

You can use the same relations as in I.3, but now swap their direction, e.g. use -RelationExp.Imports instead of RelationExp.Imports:

The minus sign in -RelationExp.Imports swaps the relation. Initially we had S ~ T in the relation iff. S imports T. By swapping we get S ~ T iff. T imports S (or equivalently: S is imported by T).

val boolTheoryPath = DPath(URI("")) ? "Bool"
ctrl.depstore.querySet(boolTheoryPath, -RelationExp.Imports))



V For a document get all dependency documents

For a given document doc get all documents it directly depends on.

E.g. if theory T in doc includes theory S in doc2, then get doc2 should be within the result set. Also, the result set should contain doc itself.


val boolTheoryDocument = DPath(URI(""))

// Alternative way to query that document would be:
// val boolTheoryPath = DPath(URI("")) ? "Bool"
// val boolTheoryDocument = ctrl.depstore.queryList(boolTheoryPath, -Declares).head

// doc1 ~ doc2 iff. doc1 depends (directly) on doc2
val documentDependencyRelation = Declares * HasType(IsTheory) * (RelationExp.Imports | Reflexive) * -Declares

val docDeps = ctrl.depstore.querySet(boolTheoryDocument, documentDependencyRelation)



Step-by-step explanation:

  • +Declares: For a given document get all things it declares
  • * HasType(IsTheory): Limit those things to theories. Call that set X.
  • * (Imports | Reflexive): Consider all the theories imported (= included/structured from) by one theory within X. Add them to X. (“Add them” instead of “replace X by that new set” because of Reflexive.)
  • * -Declares: Now consider all things (e.g. documents) declaring a theory in X.

Exercise for the reader: What if the result set should not contain doc?

The easiest solution would be to employ the “remove” method on the (immutable) set: docDeps - boolTheoryDocument

Exercise II: Why does omitting | Reflexive part not work?

Because our bool document contains multiple theories, let’s call them A, B, C. (You can have a look at that document if you really want to know the exact names.) B includes A, hence “B is a theory declared in the bool document importing a theory A from the bool document”, hence the bool document is contained in the result set.

Exercise III: How to get all indirect document dependencies as well?

ctrl.depstore.querySet(boolTheoryDocument, Transitive(documentDependencyRelation))

VI Get all documents relying on theory X

val boolTheoryPath = DPath(URI("")) ? "Bool"

// From the previous section
val documentDependencyRelation = Declares * HasType(IsTheory) * (RelationExp.Imports | Reflexive) * -Declares
val transitiveDocumentDependencies = Transitive(documentDependencyRelation)

val docs = ctrl.depstore.querySet(boolTheoryPath, Transitive(-RelationExp.Imports) * -Declares * -transitiveDocumentDependencies)


