The MMT API is the core of MMT. It provides Scala-based reference API for the MMT data structures with various frontend, backends, and MMT-based algorithms. The generated API documentation is available here. The main package is documented at info.kwarc.mmt.api.package. The base name of all packages in the API is info.kwarc.mmt.api. Good starting points for browsing the API are the following classes

The tutorial section covers a primer on how to best set up a local Scala project for use with the API.

Operators and Conversions

This is a reference to some abbreviations in the code that are very useful when writing and reading code, but can be hard to find in the API Documentation. These consist of symbolic method names which give rise to unary/binary operators, implicit conversions, overloading, apply/unapply methods.

URIs and Files

Throughout the MMT code, the classes utils.File and utils.URI replace Java’s and

utils.FileConversion and utils.URI define implicit conversions between Java and MMT files and URIs.

/ for files and /, ?, and ## for URIs can be used to form new File and URI objects in the intuitive way:

  • File / List[String] : File
  • URI / List[String] : URI
  • URI ? String : URI
  • URI ## String : URI

utils.FileURI defines apply/unapply methods to convert between files and file-URIs.

utils.File defines useful methods for reading and writing text files.


/ and ? can be used to form MMT URIs in the intuitive way:

  • DPath / LocalName : DPath
  • DPath ? LocalName : MPath
  • MPath / LocalName : MPath
  • MPath ? LocalName : GlobalName
  • LocalName / LocalName : LocalName

The second arguments can also be a string, which counts as path of length 1.


  • GlobalName(argument-sequence) : OMA: applying a symbol to a sequence of arguments
  • OMV / Term : Substitution: substituting for a variable
  • OMV % Term : Context: typed variable
  • Context ++ Context : Context: concatenation
  • Substitution ++ Substitution : Substitution: concatenation
  • Substitution ^ Substitution : Substitution: composition
  • : Substitution: identity
  • Term ^ Substitution : Term: substitution application, computed recursively

Both contexts and substitutions convert back and forth with lists by importing objects.Conversions._. A string can be used instead of an OMV by importing objects.Conversions._


  • + Relation : Query: forward step along a relation
  • - Relation : Query: backward step along a relation
  • Query | Query : Query: alternative
  • Query * Query : Query: Concatenation
  • - Query : Query: inverse